Sunday, August 6, 2023

Chapter 9.4 – June 2023 – part III: Grandma..? Who was grandma?

The morning after the funeral in Dudleifs household...

Nishit was the first to wake up to have some leftovers of one of moms salads for breakfast. Udisha being a very busy woman would often go for making simple, fast and effective, but healthy meals..

    Nishit had eventually figured out that the grandma he had never met or known had passed away.. Dad hadn't spoken much of her, only saying that she wasn't 'a very good woman', and that she was 'self-righteous', 'manipulative' and 'deceiving'. Nishit wasn't sure yet of the actual meaning of all these words.. was grandma really this bad? Why? What had she done? Why couldn't they visit her, like they would go visit Laranya and Deepak? Why didn't they even go to her funeral...?

    When he tried to ask his mom about it, he didn't get much wiser.. Apparently his grandma must have done some terrible things, but what? The only answer he really got was 'You'll learn when you get older...'. As if that was an answer... why are adults sometimes so annoying, only saying stupid things like that..

    The answer to Nishits ponderings came to him in the form of a question from a kid in the grade above him during recess at school one day.. a scrawny looking boy with freckles and dark blonde hair that in a few years time would become the terror of the schoolyard, before he mysteriously and suddenly had to change schools which lead to his family moving out of town never to be seen again.. but that's another story...

    "Why does your granny kidnap and murder people?" the boy asked while he tried to pull up the sleeve on the left arm of his shirt, that appeared to be just two sizes to big..
Nishit was bewildered at the question.. His thoughts immediately went to Laranya, whom he knew as his grandmother.. "Granny isn't a murderer!" he shouted back at the kid.

    "Yes, she is. Don't you know?"
    "Granny is not a murderer!" Nishit shouted again.
    "Yes, she is. I heard daddy say it." the kid with the oversized shirt said. "She has dead people in her basement. Everybody knows about it."

    "She does not! My granny isn't a murderer! She's a musician! She makes music for the cinema!"

    "Not that granny! Your other granny!" the kid with the white shirt explained.
It just so happened to be that both of Nishits grandmothers where celebrities, with Laranya being a famous hit movie composer and Marianne being.. well.. who she was..

    "What? I only have one granny.." Nishit said, now even more confused.. Laranya was grandma to him. Marianne was just.. 'dad's mom that he never talked about'...

    "Nobody has only one granny! That's impossible!" the kid said. "Don't you know about your grandma?"

    "She's not grandma. She's just mom's dad." Nishit said, having finally understood what the other kid was getting at...

    "That's what a grandma is" he said. "They're parents of your parents. When my dad gets angry, that's where I go..."

    That's when Nishit learnt that he had a grandma that was possibly a criminal.. a criminal that murdered people? Could this be true? He had asked Dudleif about this one day.. was his mom really like that? Did she keep people in the basement? Questions to which Dudleif, a man usually not prone to anger, snapped at him for as he shouted "Where did you hear that!?".
    "J- Justin told me" Nishit said. "Justin from school.."

    "Oh.." Dudleif knew about Justin and his family, as he had himself gone to their door while on duty after the police station had received a concerned phone call from a neighbour about some family quarrel going on inside their house...

    "Well.. you probably shouldn't believe everything you hear.. That thing about the basement.. is not true.."

    "So.. your mom isn't a criminal then?"

    "Well.. she's got her ways, she's umm.. if I could prove she was a criminal, I would have her in jail..... now, don't you have homework to do?"

Nishit realized realized that was probably a good as answer that he would get.. his other grandma, Dudleifs mom, must've been up to something.. why else would he be willing to put his own mom in jail..? It had be that way.. that's why people were saying these things.. That's why they never went to visit.. that's why they didn't go to her funeral.. That's why Nishit only really had one grandma...

Dudleif didn't want any of his kids to visit the old Skurchk household.. he couldn't, because he knew there would be no warm welcome.. and he wouldn't, because he didn't want any of them to have a bad influence on his kids..
    Dudleif wanted his kids to do good in life, in whatever path they would choose, as long as it was on the right side of the law.. and it may well be something creative, music or arts, like most members of his wifes family.. or business, like his wife or that one weird brother she has that he hasn't quite understood..

Upstairs the youngest member of the family had woken up her mom to let her know she had just dropped a major stinker, and was in need of a bath..

    "Well, good morning..Smelling lovely today." Dudleif said in a playful banter as Udisha came down the stairs
    "Funny..." she said sarcastically, as she turned around to take Madhunisha to the bathroom..

    "Looks like mommys a little grumpy today, isn't she?" Dudleif said to Ole Christian while preparing another spoon of his breakfast. "Open up, here comes another one! Atleast us guys can have a good time, can't we?"

..but who's to say the ladies can't be having a good time? After the dirty diaper has come off and most of the filth has been washed off, taking a bath can also be good quality time for mom and daughter. ;)

..and speaking of mom and daughter, here's another one! Gerda Botnen, the frontwoman, singer and guitar player of the band "The Bushweeds", just gave birth to a lovely little boy called Øyvin. She has chosen a less common form of the name 'Øyvind', omitting the 'd' at the end, citing that it just isn't necessary as it nobody pronounces it anyway. (The 'd' at the end is silent.)

New Sim: Øyvin Botnen.

Date of birth: 24.06.2023

And as usual with every new birth, the town council steps in to provide a crib for the newborn and the mother, so that she doesn't have to worry about her baby resting comfortably while doing other things, such as preparing a simple meal to herself in the kitchen. :P


Nishit wanted to hangout with his friend from school again, and called over Elen to hang out.

Now that his neighbour Emilia had become a teenager, they had somehow began to drift apart and their friendship fade, so it was time for Nishit to find another 'girlfriend' to spend time with. ;)

Elen wanted to make a good impression on Nishit, talking fondly about the theatre and conduction music, since of course, she knew (and was impressed by) his good grandmother being a well known composer and all that.

Nishit likewise wanted to impress his new friend by handing her a gift of festival tickets he had collected. ;)

Dudleif was inside teaching Madhunisha to talk and the value of being a good person to make friends.. not enemies...

The always ambitious Udisha was busy preparing another business plan to be presented at her job the next upcoming monday...

Nishits old friend had now found her first romance in Notzo Curious. When the message popped up, she was hanging out at the junkyard with her brother Atle.

Notzo was at the park downtown with Tay Bayless.

Oops, Madhunisha created another stinker. This is what you get for poking fun. ;)

Udisha evaded this one by going outside for some fresh air and talking about the theatre with Nishit...

Family life was good in this home, in spite of smelly and stressful times, much laughter and joy was also heard..

After Dudleif had given Madhunisha another bath, Elen came in to say hi to the little toddler and play a game of peek-a-boo.

Elen had gone out to find the spring rider as Nishit had decided to continue his painting of a chocolate cake, or whatever that is supposed to be. :P

Dudleif was taking Madhunisha out to show her the playground area in their backyard.

"There you go, you stay here and have some fun while daddy goes back inside to do some private business.."

Hmm.. I'll call this dubious parenting, leaving a one year old kid alone in the backyard like that late at night, but then again, maybe this is how Dudleifs own parents raised him when he was a kid.. which wouldn't be to surprising...

Ah, but luckily Madhunisha is both resourceful and indepent for her young age, as she immediately heads over to the spring rider. ;)

What a smart kid. She climbs on top of it with ease and intuitively knows just excactly how it works without anyone there to assist her in anything. ;)

Inside again Udisha just finished feeding Ole Christian and takes him upstairs to the bedroom so that he can go to sleep for the night..

Dudleif is finished with his business too, and goes outside again to pick up Madhunisha, leaving the spring rider for Elen to enjoy once more.

Nishit is still painting his candy coated work of art while Udisha passes him on the way back to the bedroom after she went downstairs quickly to empty another stinker from the potty...

Madhunisha got her last meal of the day on the couch while Nishit had realized he couldn't stay up painting all night and decided to go to bed..

..and soon everyone would be sleeping tight again once more. Good night. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...