Sunday, March 17, 2024

Chapter 12.10 – The Bushweeds Autumn Tour 2023: part 10 – Returning to the island..

Sunset Valley – Thursday September 29th:


The next morning started out slow as Kajsa was the first to wake up to play one of those good old relaxing games on her laptop. A long journey was ahead of them as they were to travel back up along the coast to head home, but at the same time they were in no rush yet to reach the next concert as the schedule allowed for some necessary days to relax after they had returned...

Yup, this was a beautiful and chill (but not cold) autumn morning. Gerda decided to entertain Kajsa and Sam by jamming out some new ideas on her guitar while they had their breakfast and Merete was in the shower to get clean and ready to go.

Unfortunately when she was finished showering somehow she managed to loosen the shower knob in such a way that it completely fell off and it was now impossible to turn the shower off..

Worried about the owner of the house figuring it out, she rushed out to Kajsa and told her she thought they should probably just pack up and leave straight away. Now, Kajsa didn't think this was a very good idea.... she knew they would get the bill for it anyway, and that the best solution was to be honest about it.. or call someone over to have it repaired after they left.. that way the owner wouldn't notice anything, and The Bushweeds would gain a reputation as a clean and proper rock band, leaving the apartment just the same way as they left!

No broken showers or windows because they threw a tv out the window.. because would anyone even want to do that..? They were on the road to spread their music and the word about their band, and to hopefully have some fun while doing it, not to commit pointless vandalism.. Sure enough there was a bit of rebellious punk spirit in the band, and they wouldn't shy away from breaking a rule here and there – if they thought they had a good cause – but vandalizing someone elses property just like that was hardly a statement that they would want their name associated with.. not all publicity is good publicity, was their conclusion...


Merete was still in a hurry to get out of there now as she went into the bedroom to pick up the keys to Gerdas car and called for everyone in the band to go.. using the excuse now that she wanted to drive now that the weather was so fine, even though the forecast had made a promise that the sun would be shining over town all day until it would do a demonstration of what had given this valley on the southwestern tip of the nation its name...

..but Merete certainly had no time to wait for that, no matter how pretty it would be. So, bye bye Sunset Valley... maybe they will return again some other time... ;)

It was another long and winding road ahead of them, with several stops along the way sleeping at motels of varying quality and stopping at gas stations and roadside inns to stuff their stomachs with food, before getting back on the road again..

..driving past Bridgewood one more time and doing one last stop in the city of Cyme Ixotic before taking the ferry to they returned to Otter Island to drive the last few kilometers to..


..Bewickton. Their home sweet home.. at last..


Since it was Gerda driving this last stretch, and since it was Gerdas car they had used all the way, they would return right where they started.. at "The Party House" where Gerda lived alongside Sam, Merete and a special someone whom she had missed all along while they were on tour..


..and then there was Isabell Kolstø, fellow party animal and soldier at the local military base, who also lived with them. Not being a member of the band, she had stayed behind and made a promise to care for Gerdas special someone, however it's not certain how serious she has been with the task as she was right now relaxing naked in the jacuzzi out in their "purple party greenhouse"...

Gerda was quick to walk up the stairs to check on her son Øyvin who was right now left alone in his crib in the bedroom..

"Oh my little sweetheart.. mommy has missed you so much. I thought about you everyday while we were away...."

It looked like little Øyvin was doing alright, as he was both clean and not particularly hungry, and some cuddle and playtime with mom more than satisfied his need for being social, so all in all, even if he had been left alone with the naked jacuzzi bather for the past few days, he was doing pretty fine.. ;)

 ..but even so, nothing beats getting a good hug and a snuggle from mom..

..and of course, the dog downstairs needed some attention too. Gerda was happy to see Petunia again, but the dog was a little less excited and not so receptive for attention now that Gerda had been away for so long, and rejected her attempt at playing with the toy rope..

Kajsa was a little disappointed when she came back to her house and found her son Nikolai sitting alone on the floor. Where was Betty, and why hadn't she even called a baby sitter for her boy? Well, that would be something to bring up with her later when she returned from whereever she was...

How irresponsible to leave the toddler out alone like that! She tried to ask her boy where Betty was, and he responded as best as he could by saying "Out", "Out somehere" and "Back in a minute!". Kajsa was none the wiser, but she had her suspicions...

She was probably out at a bar somewhere, having one to many glasses of juice again.. She was no doubt going to hear it tomorrow morning. Kajsa was kissed her baby boy good night, but inside a part of her was fuming..

She had no objection to Betty going out and enjoying a glass or two, not really, but the least she could do was to hire a baby sitter! And not show up stumbling and fumbling at 3 in the night leaving her baby boy on the floor to care for himself all alone..

Oh, Betty wasn't going to get to sleep in after her night out, Kajsa was going to make sure of that! But for now... good night.. ;)


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