Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Chapter 8.1 - January 2023: To parent or not to parent... is that really a question?

Alright folks! Time to start another year for the people of Bewickton! As you saw in the last chapter, Leya and her family have now safely returned to Sprottenham after visiting over christmas. Deepak luckily (or stubbornly I should say) recovered from his stroke and is back at his house and with his wife, where he wants to be.

So let's hope this year won't be so dramatic as we now return to almost where we left off.. in the household of Leyas brother, Palash Chitrakaar, and his wife, Sofia Chitrakaar (nee Karlsen). So that's where I end up when I go back here, with Palash working out and being watched by their little puppy Yumi. ;)

Sofia is, as I should have expected, at the fire station doing maintenance work on the fire truck. It's important to keep it in tip top shape in case of emergency. Palash's brother Bhavan also works in the fire department and after Sofia is done with the fire truck she wants to head over to talk to him, but...

..something is making her sick. "Ugggh.... why did I have to eat so many pancakes for breakfast? I guess this is the price I have to pay.. oh, who am I kidding.. Don't be silly Sofia, you know it's not the pancakes.."

Sofia is still struggling to come to terms with it, but she has been expecting someone ever since their honeymoon in the tropical paradise of Belo Horizonte last october.. She hasn't really been herself since then with highly fluctuating emotions and strange dreams ranging from the unbelievably pleasant to downright nightmarish...

The nightmares were at their worst just around the time when Deepak was rushed to the hospital, coincidental or not... On occasion she has her thoughts of not keeping it, but so far hasn't acted on it because she knows it would absolutely devastate Palash.. and maybe herself too.. and the excitement in Laranyas eyes when she heard she was going to be a grandmother..

The time was running out for the decision to be made, and she was probably just going to let it run.. after a while there would be no doctor to perform the task, and maybe that's how she wanted it...?

She was just past the point where she could go get an ultrasound to reveal if it was going to be a boy or a girl, but she didn't want to do that yet, for fear of getting to attached to it... just in case... but I think it's to late Sofia.. you are already attached to it, you just don't want to admit it! :P

Now, one of the things that Sofia dreaded the most is excactly what has been going on in Palashs sister Udishas house for the past months.. just like Solvej and Patrik in Sprottenham, Udisha and her husband have felt the lack of sleep on their bodies...

It has been a pain sometimes for the ambitious minded businesswoman Udisha, especially in the beginning when she had to take days off work to care for her daughter and youngest child, Madhunisha..

It's not any less stressful for the old man Dudleif, and having babies has slowed down his career of busting his own corrupt family, too..

For a brief moment Dudleif thinks he can enjoy a bit of romance with his wife, probably the main reason why they ended up having three children, but there is no time for it now, because work calls.. and their middle child Ole Christian just woke up and decided to wander off... better go after him and stop him before he gets stuck falling down the stairs...

"Here you go young man. I'll take you downstairs and feed you.. you're to young yet to do that on your own.."

Then there's their oldest child, Nishit, who has been slacking on his homework duties since last time.. He would like it if his younger siblings could just grow up a little faster, or atleast be more quiet, so he could actually focus on getting it done..

Dudleif and Nishit leaves for work and school on this rainy january morning, and it's time to call a babysitter to care for the youngest ones for a while..

The babysitter shows up on time and does a good enough job for the short while he has to be there.

The reason for that was that Dudleif was let off early from his job, and with a promotion and is now working at level 7 as a Crime Scene Technician! Lucky Dudleif. ;)

So he got to go home to care for the kids and do some necessary housework again.

He was just about to teach Ole Christian to use the potty when Deepak called him to congratulate him with the recent promotion. Deepak must have his antennas out on a very sensitive setting, or word just spreads incredibly fast around town. ;)

Fact: Dudleif is married to Deepaks oldest daugter, yet he is only one year younger than Deepak... make of that what you will, but Dudleif is about 36 years older than his wife.... Them pairing up, getting married and having children was all autonomous, I had no part in it! ;) But love is love, so if that's what they, I'll go with it...

Udisha didn't get promoted and had to work a full day, and since she is so ambitous, she always works hard. She didn't excactly feel like going home to the kids then, so instead she went to get a good salty scrub at the day spa just across the street. ;)

Nishit biked home in the misty rain after having spent his time after school at the boy scouts where he earned a trophy.

The visit at the day spa was relaxing and did her good, but Udisha only had time to make sure Ole Christian was fed before she had to go to bed from being tired..

Nishit tried again to evade doing his homework by playing on the spring rider outside, but Dudleif wouldn't let him get away that easily. ;)

Then finally it was time to give Ole Christian some much needed potty training before going to bed and hopefullygetting some sleep..

Ole Christian is old enough to find his toddler bed on his own and will ask to get fed whenever he gets hungry, but Madhunisha is still a lot more dependant on her parents.. Things should get a little easier though by next month when she will have her first birthday and can start to learn a few more skills too. ;)

Now that mom had been woken up by the youngest one Ole Christian didn't want to go to sleep without hearing a bedtime story, so Udisha read him one from the cookbook about the salt shaker that accidentally fell into the korma sauce and ruined everyones day..

..before he was strictly told to go to sleep in his own bed! Mom and dad wanted to get as much peace as they could.. Dudleif had to get up again to give the youngest one a little more attention, but eventually the quiet slowly descended on this household and everyone could get some rest..

Of course this one, the up and coming birthday child, wasn't sleeping, but atleast she was quiet for a (welcome) change!

Good night! ;)

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Other happenings:

Christina Østreng (age: 19 years) has found a boyfriend in Notzo Curious. Christina was Nityas date for her prom night. Nitya is Udishas sister and the youngest child of Laranya and Deepak.

Charmain Mandahl-Gyldendals babies Denis and Ursula aged up to toddlers. Then Madhunisha can have some friends that are her age as she gets older. ;)

Regine Willamsen-Brun became an elder and retired at age 66, though she looks like she has lived a hard life. Average life expectancy for the Simbrian nation is currently 82 years.

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...