Saturday, July 8, 2023

Chapter 9.1 - March 2023 - Dudleif and the kids.

Bewickton an early morning in march..

Nishit woke up super early, excited to see that snow had been falling during the night – and that it was still snowing. ;)

Perfect for some time on the spring rider, after getting breakfast and doing his homework before school.

Udisha woke up a little later and was in desperate need of a bath after not finding the time or energy to do it yesterday.. She hadn't heard that Nishit had also gone in there to use the toilet... maybe it's time to build another bathroom?

"Mom!? Haven't you head about knocking!?"
"Oh.. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were in here..."

Upstairs another one was awake, crying out her needs as best as she could. Hopefully her father would pick up on it and come to her aid..

Udisha didn't get her bath this morning, before the carpool car honked outside. Today was gonna be a smelly day at the office...

"What's the matter darling? Are you hungry? I'll take you downstairs and get you something to eat.."

"You're a big girl now, no more milk bottles! Open up!"


Of course, this was to cute, so I had to get a video...

After feeding time was over Dudleif, who was also in need of a bath, put her on the floor and encouraged her to play with some toys, before turning around and walking towards the bathroom. That's when the little girl caught me by surprise as she got up on her two feet to practice walking. She turned her head to look in his direction as if she wanted him to see what she was doing, though he didn't notice it as he was already on his way through the bathroom door.

Very stumbly, and she didn't yet know how to put one foot in front of the other and quickly fell down on her little butt. ;)

..but she was making rapid progress, because all of a sudden she was walking across the floor. She took her first steps all on her own without any help. Now that's impressive, she must be a wonderchild, because none of her older brothers did that. ;)

Learning to walk is still tough, and she stumbled and fell quite a few times until she had enough and went to play with the toys in Nishits room instead..

When Dudleif was finished with a long and good relaxing bath, it was feeding time for Ole Christian as well.

Sofia had also just finished a long bath – at the public swimming pool, where she also increased her sports skill to level 3.

Of course, she has a swimming pool at home too, but an outdoors swimming pool isn't the most practical solution maybe when it's still snowing out.

Madhunisha had located her other favorite toy now, the peg toy box as Dudleif went to pick up Ole Christian to finish and important job.

The last stretch of teaching him to use the potty. No more diapers, and more time freed up for the parents as he know can do everything he needs except feeding himself.. about time.

Udisha came home from work, feeling stressed and exhausted and went straight to bed..

Nishit was home from school to do his homework in front of a pile of clothes that just got smellier and smellier...

Madhunisha had returned to play in her brothers room for a while, until who was probably starting to feel a little to old for this, went and picked her up to put her in her crib and go to sleep. I say this, because before this he went into the bathroom to stand and look at himself in the mirror while sighing and thinking ghostly thoughts.. he really looked like a weary old man for a while there...

"Nighty night, sweetheart. Sleep tight, your old man is in need of some rest now.."

Well, unfortunately Madhunisha wasn't really tired enough to go to sleep just yet, and the food he gave her earlier had now made it's way into the diaper.. the situation turned a little chaotic as she woke up Udisha with her screaming, Ole Christian wanted some attention from mom before going to bed and Nishit wanted Dudleif to read him a bedtime story..

Well, Nishit had to go to bed without anyone reading for him this night, as both of his parents were both to tired and had their hands full with the toddlers.. that's what it's like sometimes to be the older brother.

After having her diaper changed, Madhunisha was in need of a refill and this time it was mom's turn. However, daddys hand was probably a little softer.. or maybe she had just decided she didn't like the food, because she turned away when mommy tried to feed her.. so Udisha had to resort to the age old trick of "Here comes the helicopter..."

..before she could put Madhunisha to bed again, for the second time. ;)

Udisha wasn't a particularly grumpy woman, but she was feeling the stress now and muttered a few curses after Madhunisha had fallen asleep.. She really felt like she could need to out to a local pub and have a few drinks right now.. but she knew she had to get up again tomorrow for another workday..

Maybe later she could find the time to do that, if she would still wish for it, but for now... good night..

Other happenings:

Kajsa Tangstads son Nikolai had his first birthday and is now a toddler. Will he become a rebellious rock musician like his mom?

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...