Saturday, May 13, 2023

Chapter 1.1 - July 2021: The Chitrakaar family and visitors.

The first family that we will meet in the town of Bewickton is the Chitrakaar family. The family consists of the parents, Deepak and Laranya, their children and now, also a few grandchildren

This is Deepak and Laranya with their youngest daughter Nitya outside the local swimming pool. Laranya is the oldest member of the family and a retired famous hit movie composer. Deepak is a painter that has managed the difficult task of making a name for himself as such, and his paintings nowadays are sold for several thousands of simoleons... Nitya lives at home with her parents and has so far followed in the footsteps of her dad and is quite a painter too, though one day she dreams of being a top chef and the owner of her own restaurant..

Their second youngest, Bhavan, also still lives with mom and dad. However, he seems to be lacking the creative and artistic genes of most of the rest of his family, and has instead chosen a career as a fire fighter. This has made him very popular in town and like his mom and dad, he is a bit of a celebrity, however, he wishes he was not.. as a loner by nature, he could do without all the attention..

Udisha is the oldest of Deepak and Laranyas children. Though she is very artistic as well, and really enjoys making sketches of pretty much everything, she is also very earnest and hardworking and one day dreams of being the CEO of a multinational mega corporation.. She is married to Dudleif of the Skurckh family and has two children with him, Nishit and Ole Christian. This is an old picture from when she was still pregnant with Ole Christian.

..and then there's Bhavan, the second oldest and the odd one out of the family. In spite of his aspiration to be surrounded by family, from what I have seen, he is the one most likely to remain permanently single as he so far has had no luck with romance and all his relationships, or attempts as such, has been nothing but short flings...

So it would appear that he is destined to live alone in this house... He is also a colleague of his sister Udisha in the business career, but like with his love life, his work performances are sometimes unstable at best...

This house is where all the siblings grew up, and where Deepak, Laranya, Bhavan and Nitya currently live... but hold on.. they also have another sibling who I haven't mentioned yet. Another artistic soul and painter, whose favorite colour is purple.. like the car on the picture.. could it be that she is in town as well?

Oh, indeed she is. The woman on the porch is Leya, the middle child of all the siblings, as she is both the third youngest and the third oldest... Leya lives in the town of Sprottenham on the west coast and has one child Bodil, from a previously failed relationship with he goalkeeper of the local football team. Bodil and Leya have since then moved in with Solvej and Patrik and their son Rune where they currently live, and since then she has married Gaute a kind of reformed travelling bum, restless soul and extreme sports fanatic...

..but now Leya is back in town, and she is really excited to see her mom again through the window.. ;)

But its her father Deepak that comes to open the door. Laranya was just about to answer the door, but he beat her to it. With so much creativity in the family, it shouldn't be very surprising that the walls of their home will be pretty well decorated, and they sure know how to appreciate it, too. ;)

Deepak: Welcome back home, Leya! Nice to see you again! Come on in!

 Then they all go inside, and Deepak and Leya naturally have a conversation about art, just like old times.
Gaute and Bodil are strangers to Laranya and Deepak (yes, it's been that long since last time Leya was home).

 Gautes first words to Deepak expresses a need to work out. Gaute and Leya are completely different characters, which is why it is so wonderful that they became a couple.

Deepak is understanding towards Gautes' need for exercise, he has a son that is just the same way. Then it is Bodil's turn to talk.

„You have a vey nice home“, says Bodil. She has never seen a house this decorated with paintings before.


Deepak: Your father, Gaute, he reminds me very much of my youngest son, your uncle, Bhavan. He is a fire fighter and very brave and strong. I'm sure the two will like each other.

 Bodil: Oh, I would like to meet uncle Bhavan as well. I have never spoken to a real fire fighter before, but Gaute is only my step father. My father is Glenn, and he is a football player. He is also very strong and brave.

Deepak: Oh, I see, I'm sorry, I thought Gaute was your father. You would probably also like to meet your aunt, Nitya. She is like your mother, a very talented painter!

 Then everyone except Deepak go upstairs. Laranya is chatting with someone on the computer. Gaute locates the stereo to do an extreme dance and Bodil apparantly has more homework to do. Poor kid..

Leya has located the tv and the romance channel.

Deepak stayed downstairs to finish a painting.

Bodil: When we get back to Sprottenham, Gaute says we will buy a new home. I hope it is one just as nice as this one!

„Oh, thank you little Bodil. I am sure it will be“ says grandmother Laranya.

Bodil: And then Patrik can stop thinking about flirting with mom. He's an asshole, I don't like him!

Gaute: Bodil, don't talk like that when we are visiting grandma...!

Gaute couldn't say he disagreed with the statement sometimes, but he couldn't let Bodil use such a language..

Laryana: Haha, you're a raunchy little one aren't you! But you should listen to Gaute, and and not use such foul words about others!

It looks like Leya is being a little raunchy too, she goes for a naked dip in her parents bubble bath. Leyas parents are quite rich nowadays, but the bubble bath in its own bath house is a recent addition. They didn't have all that luxury when Leya grew up.

Deepak: Oh, goody, goody, goody, look at little Bodil, goody, goody, goody!

Bodil: Uggh, grandpa...

Laranya: Oh, careful! You almost ran into me there!

Look at grandpa run! Bodil just started a game of tag with Deepak.

Don't wear out the old man now.. :P

Gaute has located the trampoline.

And then someone else is home. This is Nitya, Leyas younger sister, that Deepak talked about earlier. She is 21 years old and still lives at home with her parents 

 Nitya is also a painter, so she goes to do what she likes to do best, to paint in her room.

Bodil just noticed that Laranya flirted with Gaute in the kitchen, and if it's something that triggers Bodil it's anyone flirting with or acting inappropriate towards either Gaute or Leya... She has seen a break up before over such, and doesn't want to see it again...

Laranya quickly apologized to Gaute as she realized she had crossed a boundary she shouldn't have. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that.. I just want you to feel welcome, you seem like such a handsome young man for my daughter..." Laranya means no ill, she just can't help it.. since she has the flirtatious trait, she often experiences her friendliness being misunderstood for something else...

And then Gaute proceeds to worship Laranya. You guys are strange. She is your mother-in-law, not some Hindu Goddess! As far as I know anyway..

 Leya reveals to her father that she is pregnant. This picture is a little dim, because Deepak has the frugal personality trait and constantly keeps turning off the lights..

Then late at night, another one comes home. This is Bhavan, the fire fighter. He is 22 years old, and also still lives at home.

Where have you been, Bhavan, and why are you coming home so late? :P (It's 2:30 in the night).

Then the clock turns three, and Deepak thinks it's time for them to return to their hotel and they are pushed off the lot. Bodil sitting in the front seat is really tired, so it was probably about time they left.. nighty night. ;)

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