Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Chapter 3.1 - January 2022 - Skills and romance.

Picture: Chitrakaar-Skurckh family house.
Winters in Bewickton are typically a lot milder and less snowy than winters in Sprottenham, in spite of them being almost on the same latitude (Bewickton is just a little bit to the south). I attribute this to the prevailing westerly winds on the countrys west coast, which do bring in a lot of wet and mild weather, even in winter.. Also, Bewickton is located on an island, so it really does have an extreme coastal climate.. It is actually possible they won't see any snow at all, or atleast very little of it..

 Ole Christian is the first to wake up on this January morning to play with his toy doll...

Before waking up both parents because he is hungry..

Holidays are over, and Nishit has to get ready for school.. Ole Christian is making noise the way toddlers typically do...
"I want to have a snowball fight" Nishit tells me. Yeah, lets hope there will be some snow, so you can have one!

Oh come on, Udisha.. I know you like drawing, but aren't you gonna feed your baby?

"Yes.. but you know.. when I feel inspired, I just gotta get it down on paper before I lose the idea!"

Alright... the life of a creative soul...

And speaking of creative souls, I have to stop by her parents house, to check up on the elders..

 Udishas parents, Deepak and Laranya, live a little further up the hill.. I can't believe this is january with how green it looks! I sneak into their house, because I am God and I do what I want.. but its all dark and nobody is home..
They have decided to hang out outside the swimming pool with their youngest daughter Nitya that still lives at home. Which brings me to Bhavan the fireman whom atleast has taken the step and moved out..

He is as expected at the fire station. "I just did some maintenance on this fire alarm" he says.

What is troublesome for poor Bhavan is that he is a bit of a loner, but at the same time there's just something about him that makes him irresistible.. so people always flock around him and want to talk to him.. when he just wants to be alone and do his job as the brave fireman he is..

Vemund Rokne, one of Bhavans colleagues, can be a little grumpy over Bhavan always getting the spotlight, and sometimes he will start a quarrel over it.. Bhavan quickly puts him in his place, though.

Sofia Karlsen is one of the rich people of Bewickton (not to be confused with Sofie Motor-Karlsen that lives in Sunset Valley...), and perhaps also a snob. She bores everyone with her bragging.. She is also the romantic interest of Palash, the odd one out of the Chitrakaar siblings...

Gunder talks to Bhavan about the one time he biked across the Sim Frisco bridge in the heavy fog that typically plagues the area. "It was like thick soup" he says "I could barely see the handlebar in front of me!"

Vemund Rokne has to one up him of course.. "One time I went to Cyme Ixotic the fog was so dense I couldn't even see myself! It was like someone had turned on this gigantic smoke machine!"

Udisha teaches Ole Christian to talk out on the front porch. Udisha is ambitious and makes sure that Ole Christian learns all the important words!

Dudleif invites his best friend Bobby Sjanto over for a visit.

 Palash is now on his way home from work. Palash works in the business career, same as Udisha.

Actually he wasn't going home, he stops outside Dafooney! Wahey! A local fusion lounge and music/jazz-club.

Udisha successfully taught Ole Christian to talk.

Palash isn't doing much at Dafooney! Wahey! He just walks aimlessly around and talks to his own reflection in the bathroom mirror...

Dudleif heads to the Student House of Culture with Bobby to go bowling.

 The Student House of Culture was designed by art and architecture student Marcus Claudius Eschenburg and can be a little maze like. The bowling alley is in the basement... if you can find it...

Bobby is not very impressed by Dudleifs bowling skills...

Palash just came home from Dafooney! Wahey! This is his home on the opposite end of the same street as Udisha and Dudleif.

This is very typical of Palash. He almost always goes outside to rest on one of these chairs, no matter what the weather is outside. :P Of course, now he is lucky and the weather is good.. it's still winter, though, so it is a little chilly...

Beate Curious, Bhavan's girlfriend, just aged up to a young adult. The Gods have installed a mod that made night time look darker.. which probably means the town council should put more lights around.. The Gods tried to brighten this image, but that didn't look any good, so they left it as it is.

Dudleif is now flirting with Sølvi Sjanto, his friend Bobbys wife... He gets the attracted moodlet from being near her.

He navigates around the maze to play a smash the gnome game. Sølvi tries to follow him, but loses track of where he walked...

Sometimes maybe a maze and sims getting lost is a good thing if it can save a relationship...

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Chapter 2 - What was left of the year

Now.. it did happen back then that the narrator had made a choice to not dig to deep into the Bewickton storyline until the year of 2022 could begin, and as such what happened for the remainder of 2021 was only briefly mentioned in passing.... so this will only be a summary..

Last time we left the town of Bewickton it was july...and, well, remember when Leya and her family visited Udisha and Dudleif? And how they went to woohoo in their bedroom during the visit? Even though we didn't hear the chimes, that woohoo did result in a pregnancy...


Bill Knekknes-Skurch, Dudleifs brother had his 66th birthday in July, and is now an elder.

Udisha got a promotion in july, and is now Department Manager (rank 5 in the business career).

Kajsa Tangstad from the band "The Bushweeds" became pregnant.


 Dudleif and Udisha bought a new home in August, in anticipation of Nishit aging up, since they realized their current home would be to small.

I knew she was pregnant all along, but she didn't learn about the pregnancy until the very last days of August.

Udisha learns that she is pregnant.


Udisha and Dudleif had their 7th wedding anniversary.

Dudleif got a promotion and is now a Wiretap Reader at rank 6 (Forensic Analyst branch).

Udisha goes on pregnancy leave and Palash gets a promotion to Department Manager, only to lose his position shortly thereafter...


 Kajsa Tangstad, the drummer from the band "The Bushweeds" in her pregnant outfit attending a lecture in networking at the Bewickton university auditorium. She became pregnant in july, but the picture is taken in october.

Nishit had his 6th birthday in october and is now in the child life stage and ready to start school! The pictures above are from Nishits birthday party.

A set of twins was born, Denis and Ursula. Parents: Charmaine and Lang Mandahl-Gyldendal. She gave birth at home.


 Bhavan the fireman finally moved out of his parents house in november, and wow, that's not bad at all for a first home away from home! You must plan to not live there alone, I assume...

His first thought after entering his new home... (besides picking up the guitar. The Chitrakaar family is very musical...)


Dudleif and Udisha celebrates christmas eve in their new home.


Laranya flirts with Dudleif...


Udisha reads a bedtime story for Nishit.


And with that 2021 is officially done, atleast for my sims. Happy New Year! ;)


Friday, May 19, 2023

Chapter 1.6 - July 2021 - Gautes beach party.

The next day Laranyas son-in-law Gaute had gotten a pretty wild idea, to arrange what he said would be the biggest beach party the town of Bewickton has ever seen.

"Well, my daughter sure has found a rather special someone" Laranya thought to herself as she ended the phone call. "He has only been in town for a few days... how is he gonna get everyone to go to his beach party?"

Well, watch.. and learn.. this is Gaute we're talking about, after all..

When Laranya made it to the beach, what she saw surpassed her expectations as the beach was pretty crowded with people already, even though it was only early in the afternoon.  „Wow, that boy Gaute really is one of a kind, isn't he?“

When Bodil came running in after hanging out at the festival grounds, she was just as amazed as her grandmother.

„Wooow, look at all those people on the beach! Did Gaute really put all this together?"

But of course, Gaute didn't really do this all on his own, he got a good helping hand from one of the locals. 


At the park he had met (or sniffed out...) Bodils new friend, Kjersti Jordal. A local teacher and hero by day, party animal by night.. A fellow kin of Gaute there. So when he introduced the idea to her, she thought it was pretty wild, but was totally on board with it, and went around to invite everyone she knew.. The party probably wouldn't have been the same without her help. ;)  

The party ended up being a great sucess, and pretty much everyone that had learnt to crawl at one point in time was there.. Here's an unknown couple getting their groove on by the stereo, while Deepak is talking to Palash in the background. Udisha is seen to the right hanging out with some members of the Østreng family.

The night progressed and the party just got better and better. Here is Palash dancing with Chase Bayless. The people here also had a pretty clever trick, placing those so-called 'dance boards' on the ground, to prevent getting their shoes filled with sand whilst shaking their bodies to the rhythms of this warm summer night...


 Leya was, like her mother, skeptical and reserved of the idea at first, but when she watched it all unfold, she really felt like they had won the town over, and that it was the perfect ending to their summer holiday and visit to the town.

..but Gaute wasn't done yet. He had another trick up his sleeve for a grand finale to make the party go out with a blast..


What a night it had been, as everyone stopped to gaze at the amazing colours in the sky, before eventually venturing home, exhausted from dancing and still with the occasional grain of sand in their shoes. ;)

Well, almost, because some still kept it going. Old grandpa Deepak here wasn't going to quit yet! He hadn't partied this hard since the one time in his youth when he lived in the city as a young student at the art academy..

Nitya was getting warmed up to Gaute as well, thinking that he might not be so bad after all. Kajsa Tangstad from the band "The Bushweeds" was also really enjoying herself. Like many others, she had been there and danced non-stop for hours! Only pausing to eat, get the occasional drink and visiting the toilet stalls put up on the lot by the town council.

 ..and grandma Laranya of course ended up having a blast an then some, too. Of course, being a well-known hit movie composer, she was already a celebrity in town, but having a son-in-law that could throw such a party wasn't at all standing in the way of that, and why not leverage it to be everyones centre of attention just a little more. ;)

The party was definately enjoyable and wild, because later the same month Kajsa began to suspect that she was pregnant... This is Kajsa in her pregnant outfit gazing at her motorcycle.

See also: Chapter 2.7 - Summer Holiday Day 8 - Gautes Beach Party... (Sprottenham blog)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...