Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chapter 3.2 - February 2022 - A new addition to the Chitrakaar family

Just recently the Chitrakaar-Skurchk family had gone to a photographer to have some family pictures taken, here is one of them. Left to right on this photo Dudleif (age: 67), Udisha (age: 31), Nishit (age: 6 years 8 months) and Ole Christian (age: 2 years, 7 months).

..but right now Dudleif is still hanging out at the Student Union playing a game of “Smash the Gnome” after he had managed to shake off Sølvi Sjanto, his friend Bobbys wife.. and thats where the Narrator puts his finger to the green arrow to release him from his 'frozen in time' state.

Nishit, his oldest son, just finished a bath and is going to bed. His wife Udisha is already asleep, and the youngest, Ole-Christian, has been left downstairs alone, but lucklily Dudleif understands its late and decides to head home.

However.... the Student Union is quite maze like, so the way he has to go to get home isn't immediately intuitive. ;) It almost wears him out going up and down all these stairs...

Udisha actually wakes up from Ole Christians crying the very moment he makes it home..sometimes a bit of an annoyance for Udisha as she is in need of quite a bit of rest due to her being pregnant... a result of the couples inappropriate woohoo during her sister Leyas visit last summer...

Ole Christian woke up Nishit, too, before passing out. Poor kid.. Udisha had forgotten him downstairs so that he couldn't access his sleeping mat.

Nishit decides to finish a painting, though the Narrator would much rather have him sleep to be rested before school tomorrow...

The parents go to sleep, as Nishit finishes his painting to a value of 43 simoleons. And the Narrator notices there is a bunch of filthy laundry everywhere.. disgusting. They do have laundry machines in their garage, so there is no excuse..

By morning Nishit wakes up to play with his annoying imaginary friend, that he is of course very fond of.. who needs breakfast, when you have such a good friend to talk to?

Besides that, its a beatiful mild, green and rainy february morning for the commuters in the west coast town of Bewickton (in comparison to Lake Onebega in the mountains, and Sprottenham on the east coast that still has snow).

Udisha wakes up to make breakfast, and she is pretty far into her pregnancy now. She is due to give birth to their third child sometime around mid March.

Elsewhere this morning, I find that Udishas parents, Laranya and Deepak, along with her sister Nitya, have chosen to hangout at the fitness centre. “I took my family here to get a good workout” says Deepak (age: 68). “It is important to keep the body strong and the mind sharp, also for artists and painters. Especially now that we are getting older...”

Nitya (age: 21) is on the treadmill, next to Sølvi Sjanto (age: 58). Sølvi is actually older than the Narrator thought she was. It was assumed that she was in her 30s, but it can be a little hard to tell a sims age sometimes...

“Nnnghh!! This is leg day for me!” says Laranya (age: 71).

Udishas brother, Bhavan the firefighter (age: 23) is at home jamming on his guitar. His shift at the fire station hasn't started yet. Udishas other brother, Palash (age: 30), is at work in his business career, hanging out by the water cooler and chatting up his colleagues..

After Udisha has finished her breakfast, the Narrator directs her clean up the house, because its an absolute stinking mess...

Udisha is a very ambitious person, she just has to get in a bit of work, even if she is on pregnancy leave. “I have to keep up to date and keep my skills sharp” she says “I can't fall behind in my career just because I want kids!”

Bhavan is now at the fire station, where he just finished some maintenance on the fire alarm, when his colleague Vemund Rokne comes out again to argue with him. Vemund is jealous of Bhavans popularity and a bit of a hothead...

Nishit goes to visit the Stabell-Jones family after school. They live right next door to his grandparents, Deepak and Laranya. His friend there is Emilia Stabell-Jones (age: 11), almost twice his age. Sometimes its good to have an older friend to keep the bullies away.

It is also nice to have a friend with such an awesome treehouse to play in! Or sleep in, if you didn't get enough sleep the night before, because you have a screaming little brother and you decided to spend the night painting...

And here's another one that didn't get enough sleep the night before.. going to sleep immediately after his shift at the police station.

The Narrator makes a jump to Palashs house, and he looks a little sleepy too... what is it with you guys and staying up at night? :P He lives alone and has no children, so it shouldn't be that hard for him to keep a steady rhythm.. or maybe thats why it is hard for him... it wouldn't surprise the Narrator if he was out at a bar or a night club all night yesterday...

Back at the fire station, Sofia Karlsen, which is the love interest of Palash, just shared some juicy gossip about Vemund.”I heard he likes to run circles around his house naked in the middle of the night” she said, and they both have a laugh at it. I'm not sure if those rumours are true, though, because I haven't seen him do that, but who knows. ;)

Oh, and the fire station in Bewickton has a juice bar.. The Narrator is not so sure if thats a good idea..

“Hahaha! Its a perfect idea!” says Bhavan “Every workplace should have one!” Yeah, well, I'm not convinced... you know, if everyone gets juiced, who is going to drive the fire truck?

Oh, don't worry.. we only have one small sip, we don't get juiced when we're on duty!

Alright, if you say so...

Udisha is feeling the back pains from her pregancy...

..but still decides to spend some time teaching Ole Christian to walk.

Back at the fire station, Sofia Karlsen is being her usual self and bragging about her swimming pool. He is amused by her gossip, but doesnt care for her bragging. Braggarts are the most boring and annoying people... With the old man Dudleif asleep and not doing anything interesting, the Narrator wants to stop by some of his family members, just to see what they are like.

This is Dudleifs mother, Marianne Skurchk (age: 83), with her second oldest son Bill Knekknes-Skurchk (age: 65) and his wife Julienne Knekknes-Skurchk (age: 43). Look at those grumpy faces! I think I can understand why Dudleif doesn't want anything to do with these guys... even if they appear to be well off. Material goods isn't everything, especially not if they have been acquired through illegal means... They walk inside the house, and just as I am about to follow them, something else is going on..

Udisha was just picking up Ole Christian to go to bed when her water broke... Now she has to rush to the hospital.. this baby is in a hurry! It wants out, about two weeks early! As she is heading out, Nishit comes home.

Hi, mom. Where are you going?
To the hospital, the baby is coming! Dad is upstairs and asleep, can you watch over Ole-Christian for me?
Oh.. oh, I want to see! Can I come with you!?
No, I think it is better you stay at home with your brother.

Honestly, I don't think you would want to see your mother giving birth, Nishit...

She picked the police car to go there. She tried to put the sirens on, but couldn't figure out how to work it. She still drove as fast as she could go!

As she enters the hospital door, Dudleif finally wakes up to realize where she has gone. “Time to go to the hospital again!” he thinks running as fast as he can.

They got a baby girl, and named her Madhunisha, meaning “pleasant night” since she was born at night. Weighing in at 3105 grams, she was a little lighter than the average, but the doctors reassured Udisha that was not a huge problem, as long as it was made sure her little baby girl was properly cared for. Madhunisha was born with the traits clumsy and easily impressed, both traits from her father.

Dudleif was afterwards in a real hurry to get home. “I must put Ole-Christian to bed!” he says as he runs by. Udisha has to walk with Madhunisha in her stroller, so she takes her time.

At home Nishit couldn't sleep when Ole Christian kept crying, so he went to finish his homework.

Udisha puts Madhunisha in her new crib and brings Ole-Christian upstairs. Dudleif goes to take a bath to make sure he is as clean as can be before going to bed and until next time we see them... ;)


Ole-Christian is like most toddlers, more or less, and hasn't quite grasped how to sleep correctly and orderly on his little toddler bed.. but as long as he is getting a proper nights sleep otherwise, it's all fine... until next time, good night. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...