Sunday, June 18, 2023

Chapter 7.4 - December 2022: part IV - From Darkness

Audrey Horne – From Darkness

Just before the ocean swallowed you whole you heard the call.
Sirens singing from below made you welcoming the fall

And you feel the ocean crush you
Feel the waves pulling you under...asunder
She´ll never leave you lonely
Wrap her arms around you lovely

From the darkness in the deep you can see a shining light.
Captured by a voice divine, you aband' your will to fight

You hear the sound of thunder
Lightning as she pull you under...asunder
Hold your head up son
You´re not alone, she will embrace you...and love you

Sofias notes:

Palashs mom and his youngest sister, Nitya, was waiting for us just inside the doors, along with a doctor from the hospital. The doctor immedately turned around to Palash and introduced herself as Cadenza Tempesta. She gave me a bad vibe from the start, for a reason I couldn't immediately explain, so I made sure to keep my distance from her, all the while watching her closely. I think she noticed I didn't like her, because of the way she glanced at me while she explained for Palash were Deepak was, and that she would take us there.

Palashs notes:

I was very concerned for my father when we arrived at the hospital, but the doctor that greeted us in the hallway was so sweet, I immediately felt reassured and that everything would turn out fine.

Sofias notes:

I don't know, something about this doctor isn't right.. the way she turned her head, and the fleeting looks she gave to Palash as we walked towards the elevators that would take us up to the care unit. It's a little confusing, maybe she's just being nice, I don't know. It still looks a little odd to me. I'll definately keep my eye on her.

Palashs notes:

When we came into the room to see my father, he was already in conversation with another doctor. It was unpleasant to see him in a wheelchair like that, but the doctor, who introduced herself as Beate Stenstad and said she was a physiotherapist, could assure me that they already had a plan for his recovery, and that he would need to go to regular physiotherapy sessions for the next three months or so.

The third medical staff said her name was Magda Prestegård and that she was a nurse. She told me that my father was already doing quite well, and if things continued at this rate, he would be out of the hospital in just six days, just in time for christmas! That was very good news, and definately lowered my pulse a bit.

Sofias notes:

I became even more convinced there was something wrong with the first doctor that met us down by the entrance, when I saw how different the other medical staff was. I mean, all of them were very kind, but the only ones that gave me a professional vibe, as if they truely worked there and knew what they were doing, were the physiotherapist and the nurse. I couldn't say anything about it then and there, both in case I was wrong and also not to upset especially his father, mother and sister anymore than necessary.
    The more I thought about it, the more I wanted that supposed doctor to stay away from everyone else in the room, in particular Palash and Deepak, so I walked over and put myself inbetween her and them. I really wanted her to leave the room. Besides being the one to bring us up there, she wasn't really doing anything else of use. Why was she even there?

Laranyas notes:

I wasn't expecting my sweet Deepak to be up from the bed so soon, but hearing him talk, seeing him in the wheelchair and hearing the doctors and nurses talk about their plan for his recovery made me feel much more at ease with the future. I'm so amazed, I can't thank the doctors enough for the wonderful job they're doing! Just yesterday he was.. I mean, it was just yesterday evening he fell down on the bathroom floor and.. during the night all these thoughts came to me.. what would our life look like from here? Would he still be able to paint? To walk? To care for himself? I still don't know excactly what's going to happen, but I feel a lot better and more optimistic now. I am really grateful for these doctors and nurses, I couldn't thank them enough!

Deepaks notes:

People have always been saying that when you are close to dying, you will see a bright light or something, but I can't remember seeing anything special, just darkness and a sense of falling. Yet when I was «there» I wasn't afraid. I felt surprisingly calm and serene, as if I what I was falling towards was a warm and welcoming place. I was ready for a soft landing, though I had no idea where I would land... It was pretty surreal, I don't really know what to make of that.... I have never really thought to much about near death experiences before, but in any case, it wasn't really like I had expected it to be. In a way it wasn't all that different from having a strange dream, so who knows, maybe I was only asleep and dreaming. In either case, it's obvious my time here is not over yet, which can only mean that there are more lessons for me to learn, before I can finally be reborn again in the next realm.*

Narrators notes:

* Deepaks religious beliefs are somewhat close to what we would call Hinduism in our world, so what he refers to here is a form of reincarnation. When it comes to the people on the Simtopian Planet, they all have different personal beliefs, but also all of them celebrate the holiday at around the same time by the end of december,  because it's easier that way because that's the one thing they all have in common, regardless of belief. Who doesn't enjoy having a feast with good food and giving gifts to one another? The way it is celebrated, the religious aspect of it is really non-existant.

Palashs notes:

My dad was happy to see us, and was in a good mood during our visit, and we ended up cracking a few jokes. My father has never been a quitter, and he was really looking forward to start his physiotherapy and getting back home to celebrate christmas. He said this would be the biggest christmas party we've ever had! Haha, mom was a little unsure about that, but I told her, of course, that we would all be there to help out if necessary. She's got Nitya at home with her, and me and Sofia would be ready to come over too, if needed, and I'm more than positive that Udisha would also chip in, so mom wouldn't be alone, we would all be there for her. I haven't had the time to speak to Leya yet, but mom talked to her this morning before she called me, and if I know my sister right, she's probably already on an airplane to come over...

Towards the end of our visit dad was visibly getting more and more tired and struggled to keep awake, and eventually fell asleep in his chair, so it was time for us to pull back. I gave my thanks to the doctors, before we went over into the cafeteria to have lunch.

Sofias notes:

As we left the now sleeping Deepak to get something to eat, the nurse and the physiotherapist stayed behind to put him to bed, but the doctor followed us out into the hallway. I was walking just a few steps behind Palash, and she was just about to enter the elevator when she stopped for a while and looked at me.
    «It was great to see that Deepak has such a wonderful family that cares so much about him» she said.

    «You know, when you work at a hospital like I do, you get to see a lot of things... sadly, not everyone is this fortunate... Oh, but we are very happy for everyone that comes to visit their loved ones, and I can assure you that Deepak will be in the best of hands..» she continued as she walked, before briefly pausing and turning around, and I could swear for a split second her eyes fell down to my stomach region.

    «.. I mean, after all, we wouldn't want something terrible to happen now, would we?»

That seriously gave me the chills, the tone of those last two words. I knew it! I knew all along that something was up with this «doctor»! How could she...? Did she know I was pregnant?

I wasn't that far along, and my belly showed no signs of carrying a baby. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but what on earth? What kind of doctor says such a thing!? No, something had to be wrong with this woman, one way or another!

«Thank you so much for visiting, and have a nice day!»

Her voice was now all of a sudden as sweet as candy, it made me sick to my stomach! I almost blurted out a question ending with an expletive, yet I managed to restrain myself....
    I don't want to speculate to much, but either this woman is some kind of low-key psychopath or just unstable.. I don't know, but this isn't what I would expect from a doctor.. I don't really want to go back to the hospital and risk running into this woman again, but I think we have to now, as long as Deepak is there, to make sure everything is fine... I trust the other doctors, but I don't trust that one! Not by a long shot!

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Here she comes, shipwrecks and all
Death and corruption rings out through her call
Tangerine coloured, sweet as can be
Devoured by the watery sea

There goes a Lady, there she goes on her own
There goes a Lady... with death in tow right behind

We've been climbing these mountain like waves
Our sons & daughters are lost to the deep
Sail on, a wiser man, and save our souls from
The dark blue sea
Cause she whispers so sweet, while flashin' her teeth
We follow her, like moth to the flame
And they said, they said
"It's not what it seems, cause death comes at the end of her song!"

- Audrey Horne, There goes a lady

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...