Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chapter 7.1 - December 2022 – part I: Cat's in the cradle..

Harry Chapin - Cat's in the cradle

Narrators notes:

It's a normal December morning in Palash, Sofia and the little dog Yumis household..  and at the time, all of us, them and me, were unaware of what would happen later this day...

Sofias notes:

When I woke up I could have sworn I heard my daughter crying, it was so real and vivid. It took a while this morning before I came to it, that what I thought had happened, was only a dream. Even though I kind of knew it all along... and my belly had just gotten bigger and bigger, it still happened so unexpectedly.
      Palash was out of his mind, so I had to be the one to calm him down so that he could drive me to the hospital.. In my dream, everything was so nice and I could hear the sweetest, soothing piano music playing all the way throughout.. I had been dreading have to give b... to give bi.. well you know, that thing... but it wasn't bad at all, the gentle faces of all the doctors and nurses, and my sweet little baby girl in my arms.. uggh no... just no...

The dream felt so pleasant, and it makes me sick to think about! I hate that! It's not me with this soft yucky stuff!

"When you coming home dad?" "I don't know when.."
                            But we'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then...

Palashs notes:

You can call me a little slow sometimes, and I won't argue to much.. but I think I know why Sofia has been not quite herself lately. I suspect that she is pregnant, and I will be the father of the most wonderful little baby boy. I have already picked a name for him! I'm going to call him Shivadev for the best blessings and a prosperous future! I can't wait to tell my parents, that they're going to be grandparents – again, but I have to discuss this with Sofia first, of course...

Yumis notes:

Woof, woof! Woof, woof!
Narrators notes:
Well, dog language has it's limitations, but these are happy, inviting and playful barks. ;)

Palashs notes:

My worst nightmare would be to live all by myself in a house that is all quite and empty, that would be terrible. I felt so alone in my home after I moved out on my own, that's why I eventually got Yumi. I am really happy to have her and I love this dog, after all. I guess a little chewed up furniture every now and then is the price I have to pay...
    Before I got Yumi, I just couldn't stay home, it was so quiet.. I felt isolated, trapped and claustrophobic, so I would often go hangout at the fire station where my little brother Bhavan works... Bhavan is opposite to me there, he gets uncomfortable if to many people are around, yet people always seem to flock around him, poor guy.

And it's true, ever since he became a young man, he has always been a charismatic and attractive guy. In spite of his introverted nature, he never had a problem making friends, atleast on the surface. He did his best to be on good terms with his colleagues, but he would always complain to me about how clingy they all were when they weren't around.. he sometimes tells me I'm clingy too, so I started to make friends with some of his colleagues instead when he just wanted to be left alone..

He might even have played a role in bringing me and Sofia together.. she is, according to him, "the most annoying braggart ever" – yes, he hates it whenever she talks about her own belongings.. and of course, I see his point, it can be a little to much at times, but I don't mind..

My brother doesn't see it, most people probably don't, but I do. I thought the same thing as everyone else initially, what a lame show off she is, but as I got to talk to her I realized there is a lot more to her than just that. She is very talkative, and I like that, but she isn't to good with expressing what's inside and how she truely feels. However if you pay attention, you will notice.

I know that inside, behind her superficial bragging and shiny sunglasses, is a sweet and loving woman. A soft and vulnerable heart behind walls of glamour and pretending not to care. In Sofias life, there has never been a lack of material goods and from a young age, she learnt to value money and expensive items, because that's what she had...

The weather was mild and fine for December, so we spent some time in the afternoon playing ball in the garden, before she had to run inside to the bathroom again..

Sofias notes:

It was getting routine by now. Everytime I tried to do something fun, I would get nauseous, vomit, get hungry and need to eat... It's like my body is telling me I shouldn't do anything but sit still, or even preferably just lie down.. is it supposed to be like this?

I saw Yumi on the way to the kitchen and wanted to pick her up to snuggle her, the dog is so tiny and cute.... sometimes... but not now, so it was back to gobbling down pancakes for poor me..

Narrators notes:

Meanwhile at the fire station, Palashs brother Bhavan, was still hard at work in the evening, doing some necessary repairs on the fire alarm and maxing out his handiness skill. That's the fireman that everybody loves for you. ;)

Outside the town hall, a group of locals had gathered in the rain to protest against the fashion industry. "The fashion industrys explotation of our planets resources has to stop!" protest leader Clark Pincher-Peddler calls out. "Fair pay for workers!" shouts a man with a picket sign on the left side of the crowd.

"Our planet, our future!" the voice of a young woman is heard hollering from the right.

The man shouting on the left is Deepak Chitrakaar, local painter and Master of the Arts, father of five and grandfather to four (soon to be five?) The young woman to the right is his youngest daughter, Nitya, still living at home with her parents and following in the footsteps of her father.

Once they returned from the protest, Deepak takes out his guitar to jam on a tune for a new song idea he just got, eager to show it to his wife and Nityas mother, Laranya. The lights are often off in their home, as Deepak has always been a bit off a penny pincher himself..
    The Chitrakaar family comes from an old lineage of highly creative people, sculptors, weavers, painters, musicians and architects. It is even said that it was one of Deepaks forefathers that built the Maj Tahal in honour of his wife, so the least he could do was to jam out a song for her. Secretly he may just have hopes of seeing his name on the credits roll on the big screen, too. Laranya is one of the towns celebrities as she has become known for composing the soundtracks of best-selling movies such as "The Silence of the Llamas", "Flamingo Dancer II: Garden kicks" and "The Ghost of Cyme Ixotic".

"I picture this melody will be perfect to build tension during a high speed car chase scene. What do you think?" he turned to Laranya, hoping that she would be atleast a little bit impressed.

"Yeah, I see what you're might work in that setting, but the movie I'm writing songs for now no car chase scene in it.. It's a teen romance movie..."
    Laranya genuinely hoped to be able to make use of what her husband would come up with, as he had been her companion and source of inspiration throughout her career, but as was often the case, his creativity was all over the place, and wouldn't fit itself neatly into any kind of box or limitations imposed by others..

"Oh... but umm.. what if the son runs away from home and there's a dramatic scene where his father chases after him?" he desperately tried to shoehorn it in.
    "That's an... interesting idea, Deepak, but I'm not sure if the director would agree.. they already have the plot laid down and have started shooting scenes..."

"Alright then.. " he sighed as he turned for the bathroom door, "but I'll keep it for another time. It might be useful one day..."

Deepaks toilet notes:

Or maybe the melody just needs a bit of work. I suppose I could always slow it down a bit, and maybe if I played with an A major chord instead of the F sharp minor, that's to dramatic, and then.. hmm, well, I think it would need a second guitar on top of that to play some harmonies.. well, it wouldn't be quite there yet for a romantic song, oh...but I think it's getting there, I think she could make use for it. It's a good idea, I I just need to play around with it for a bit...

Ooh... oh..... I'm getting a little woozy, I nearly lost balance there... well, it's been a long day..
I'm sure if I sleep on it, I will have plenty of fresh ideas for tomorr- .....ow, ow, ow...
        my head, what's h- .... ow...

* thud *

To be continued...

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...