Sunday, June 18, 2023

Chapter 7.3 - December 2022: part III - A nighmare before christmas...

Sofias notes:

After I had once again satisfied my craving for pancakes, I made sure to pet and feed Yumi before following Palash to go to sleep. He had gone to bed a little earlier than me this night, complaining about a headache and feeling tired.

However, when I came into the bedroom, I didn't find him sleeping like I expected. He was wide awake and clearly upset. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he had tried to go to sleep, but it was impossible, because as soon as he tried to fall asleep he had gotten these thoughts that something was going to happen to either us or someone in the family.

    It wasn't unusual for him to get some wild ideas every now and then, where he would begin to ramble on about... I don't know, anything from how the moon landing was a fake or how our government is controlled by a secret cult sacrificing babies or something, but it was a little different this time. Usually he would be pretty clear and concise about his ideas, no matter how far out they were, but this time he was surprisingly vague. He just kept repeating how it was all based on a feeling that something was happening or going to happen to a family member, but he couldn't answer what he thought it was.

He was so serious about it, for a while I got a little concerned too, that maybe he was talking about our little one.. that I would end up having a.. a miscarriage, but.. I didn't want to share that with him..
    I know that.. children is.. I know how important family is to him, and I didn't want to say anything to upset him further... I managed to put that thought away and gave him a hug to calm him down, doing my best to ensure him that everyone was probably alright, and that we could call his family or visit them tomorrow to hear if everything was alright. It was probably to late to call anyone now at this hour.

He wasn't to convinced, but agreed to try again to go to sleep saying he would call his mom and then his sister living on the east coast first thing in the morning.

I had such sweet dreams again this night.. at first... this time, it was a boy. A young handsome little man, and I was so proud! It was a sweet summer day, and I was so proud to show him off to everyone in town when I was out walking with him in the stroller!

In the dream it felt so good... and I hoped that I would never wake up, even though I knew that in 7 months time or so, it could be a reality..

..but underneath all that, Palashs concerns must have gotten to me, because quickly the dream became a lot more unpleasant.. I was about to cross the road to take him to the park so that he could meet and play with some of the other toddlers there, when summer all of a sudden became winter, and I was knee deep in snow!

The sun disappeared, night fell and it was snowing heavily, and right as I was in the middle of the road, an ambulance, of all things, came speeding down the road and hit the... it was so awful, the ambulance just barely missed me, but took the stroller with my baby boy with it..

I broke down crying on the street watching the ambulance drive away with full sirens on, and there was no longer any sign of my baby boy or the stroller. When the ambulance was gone, the remaining echo of the sirens gradually turned into the sound of a phone ringing...


..and a phone was ringing. We didn't even get the time to wake up by ourselves to call Palashs relatives. His mom already called him. It turns out Palash wasn't concerned without reason. What an absolutely eerie thing! Just last night his father had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance!

He agreed to meet up with his family to go see his dad at the hospital, right away after breakfast! His mom had assured him that the doctors had gotten rid of the stroke, and that his dad was good and on his way to recover, but Palash was still worried. I didn't think I would need to go to the hospital this soon, but now there was no other choice...

I was surprised to see how much it had snowed during the night, and we had to spend a few minutes brushing off the snow and deicing the car before we could go. We wouldn't normally get this amount of snow until late january or early february, if at all, so this was definately an usual day in every way!

We took my car to go, and I had to tell Palash several times to be easy on the gas. I understood he wanted to get there as fast as possible, but I didn't want to end up in a car accident...

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...