Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 6.3 - November 2022 – It's all about what you can chew.

Sofias notes:

I slept like an innocent child on her first night home after coming home from our honeymoon. It was a lovely vacation and cruise, but it was good to be home again, as well. I walked downstairs to find Yumi sleeping like a rock next to her food bowl.I saw it was empty, so I filled it up for her.

Sweet little Yumi, she was still sleeping heavily while I made and ate my breakfast. I have never really liked pancakes, it's such a simple piece of food.. it's not even a proper meal, I know, but ever since the last days of our honeymoon, I have gotten these cravings.. I just got to have pancakes for every meal. I don't know, it's so strange.. I think I might actually be.. oh, I don't even dare to write it..

..but maybe it would have been nice to hear the tripping of small feet on the grass. No, it would not! What are you thinking, Sofia!? Because soon enough those same feet will trip over and the little booboo will have hurt its knees.....and it will only result in a constant loud wailing and crying.. I can't stand it, I hate it... how can something so little make so much noise? Ughh.. no, I don't know, I really don't know..

Palash's notes:

Vacation was over, and I had to go back to work at the office. Of course, when I walked out the door I found Yumi sleeping satisfied on the porch after she had just chewed up the morning paper. I had hoped to be able to browse through atleast the financial section to get a quick overview of the stock market before going, but everything was in shreds, so there was nothing to do here, but dispose of it.. Hopefully when she gets older, she can be a little more useful...

Sofias notes:

All the time on our cruise, well.. not all the time of course, but.. it was always there in the back of my mind that I wanted to give Ingvild a call.. I had a sweet talk with her over a drink by the piano at the 1912 just before we went. She is a pretty good pianist with her jazzy lounge tunes, but more importantly, of course, she is probably on good terms with a lot of the celebrities in town! So I wanted to give her a call, but then I felt my stomach turning again, so I just had to put the phone down and run for the nearest toilet...

Uggh, there goes my breakfast....what's happening to me? It's so gross... It would be so embarrassing if people found out that I, Sofia Karlsen, frequently have to go to the bathroom to empty my stomach..

Well, once I was done with the toilet ritual, I gave it another try and invited Ingvild over, but apparently she is a busy woman, or maybe she just thinks she is to good for me.. but dare I remind her that she is just a simple pianist, after all... how can she reject me? That shouldn't be!

Well, we ended up talking on the phone for a while, though. She had seen this scientist show up at the jazz lounge the other day. A well known and outspoken scientist about the so-called ongoing climate crisis, whom I shall not name here...
    He came there with his wife, apparantly having a weekend out away from the bustle of the city life in Cyme Ixotic.. well, anyway, to make a long story short, he probably had one drink to many as he by the end of the night walked around groping most of the female clientelle there, including the pianist.. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall once he and his wife went back to their hotel room! Ah, and this is what I love about Ingvild.. she always has some juicy gossip about important people to share..

It looked like such a fine day with the sun shining, so I wanted to take sweet little Yumi to the park, but wouldn't you know.. it's november, so it didn't take long before it started to hail, of all things, of course..

Yumis notes:
Woof, woof, woof, woofum? Woofumies?

"Ow, ow, ow.. Yumi, this isn't the place to stay, I think we should go back home.."

Woof, woof, grrr, woof, grrrrrrr! Grrrrrr!
Don't you gnarl at me, little dog! I know you like the park, but this hail isn't good for us. It's damaging my hair, we're going back home!

Sweet Yumi, this is much better for us. No hail or rain to hurt our good looks. Oh, sweet mommys little puppy!
Sniff, sniff, sniffle.

Palashs notes:

Today was my fourth anniversary of working at the High Products Office Building and my colleagues arrange a small feast for me. I also got a nice bonus. Hmm, I think I'll use some of the extra cash to buy a horseshoe game, like the ones on the festival grounds in Belo Horizonte.

Sofias notes:

Palash came home from work, excited because today was his four year anniversary in the business career. He had brought with him a horse shoe game that he wanted me to play. We fumbled around a bit for a few hours when trying to assemble it, but eventually figured it out. However, when it was finally time to play, of course, I got sick again, so all I could do was run inside for another trip to the toilet...

Palashs notes:

I had very much looked forward to playing the game with Sofia, but she has been acting a little strange these past few days. She constantly talks about food and pancakes in ways she never did before, and whenever we are about to do something fun she gets this uncomfortable look on her face and just runs away. I almost feel like my wife isn't my wife anymore, and we haven't been married for that long! It's as if she is trying to hide something from me. I hope it's nothing serious and the she is sick or something. Maybe I should ask her to go see a doctor if this keeps up.

Sofias notes:

After running off to the bathroom for the nth time I had to eat again. I almost constantly feel hungry, and it's no wonder, because whatever I eat just isn't staying to long down there... what's the point of all this? Why does this happen? It doesn't make sense! Why do I always have to eat and eat only to throw it up again? I'm getting sick and tired of this, I want it to stop!

Palashs notes:

Something has to be done with that dog Yumi. She keeps chewing up everything we have, and it's starting to get on my nerves! I thought puppies were cute, but this one is a little beast in disguise! I wonder if there is some kind of training camp for puppies to make her quit this behaviour!

You're a bad dog, Yumi! Bad dog! Do you know how expensive that couch was? And now I have to go and get it upholstered again!? Do you know how much this costs!? Do you!?
Whimper, whimper.

Sofias notes:

I heard Palash shouting something downstairs. He was probably yelling at Yumi again. I think he is a little to harsh on the dog sometimes. She is just a little puppy, so cute and adorable, mommys little darling. I wanted to go downstairs and tell him to lay it off, but I was to tired and exhausted from all the eating and vomiting, I really didn't have the energy to do anything but go to bed.

Palashs notes:

I think I set Yumi straight for a while. I'm really not sure what to do about this dog. I guess I'll just have to sleep on it for tomorrow, but she has to quit chewing up everything she can find at one point, or I will be forced to get rid of her.

Palash: Snore, snore...
Snore... breathe... snore.... hush hush mommys sweet little... snore..

Good night. ;)

Other events this month:

Simone Østreng of the Østreng family living at Outwash Point aged up from toddler to child.

Simone as a toddler on the porch of her home, being held by her father Benjamin Bjørnevik. In addition to her father, she lives there with her mother, Kjellaug, her brother, Tron, and her two older sisters, Cristina and Emilia.

A picture of the Østreng family taken at an earlier time.

Their home at Outwash Point, the most exposed location in all of Bewickton. Their home is located as far west as one can get on solid land in the Simbrian nation. Beyond lies the great Westphalian Sea... the lack of trees in the area surrounding the house tells a tale of harsh weather conditions, especially during the autumn and winter months.. just not on the particular day this photo was taken. :P

Simone as a child, feeling the christmas spirit already. Well, december isn't so far away, and like most young children, christmas eve is one of the major highlights of the year, because, presents. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...