Thursday, June 15, 2023

Chapter 6.2 - October 2022 - Belo Horizonte Day III – Spring Festival, Love eggs and a little more action..

Palash was a little confused this morning... he woke up early, not at all fully rested, and put on his business suit and was on his way to work... before he came to himself realizing he was on his honeymoon and went back to bed again..

When he woke up for real.. he was still thinking about that graveyard.. and got another wish to go there ..again... but come on man, you just went there yesterday.. today it's Sofias turn to get her wishes fulfilled...

Well, so far Sofia doesn't really have a wish to go anywhere in particular, so she walks up to her husband, who just changed to his swimwear, for a little more conversation...
    She decided the topic, and it's all about children, and not a negative speech bubble is seen from either of them throughout the conversation, like they are in perfect and harmonious agreement! :P

Palash really likes what he hears, so he gives her a romantic hug, and she initiates a flirt with him..

..before he wants to tell her another ghost story, but she ignores him this time, to check up on her own appearance in the mirror..

She has made up her mind now, and doesn't want any more graveyards and talk about ghostly stuff, so she suggests that they go to the spring festival instead, once she has realized that today is Spring Festival Day. ;)

It's not that long of a drive this time, so they quickly make it there. Palash goes to a speaker to close his eyes and listen to the music while he digs to the summer breeze. ;) Sofia immediately begins to look for love eggs. It's still october, even though it is spring, so they aren't called easter eggs down here. ;)

There are plenty of eggs around, but Sofia quickly got some competition as both this woman, Palash and several others joined in on the hunt. ;)

Palash didn't find a single egg, though, because he had to run quickly to the restroom.."Get out of my way, Sofia! I'm in a hurry! Owwowowow!"

Sofia keeps on looking for eggs, and finds a descent amount, until one of the locals walks over to brighten her day.. Sofia yawns at him and finds him soo boring, she was having a pretty good day already, and wasn't in need of a conversation with this man.. :P

Palash has found a game of horseshoe, and Sofia is getting hungry, so she excuses herself from the boring man to go get a hamburger from one of the food stands.

Sofia finishes her burger on one of the benches, while enjoying the fine view. Palash gets hungry too, and follows suit.

Sofia than wants a little more action and gets a wish to go bowling, and goes for a dance while she waits for Palash to finish his meal. ;)

"...but does this place have a bowling alley?" Palash asks his wife. "I don't know" Sofia replies, "but I will call for a taxi later and ask if they can take us to one! They should know if one exists and where it is!"

Oh, looks like this is one of Sofias lucky days. The taxi driver can inform them that one just miraculously happened to open just very recently, and he knows excactly where it is. ;) The little beach house they have rented is seen to the right in this picture. Must be some late evening mirage occuring, because it looks like it's missing its roof, but it still perfectly intact..

The taxi driver drops them off at "The Bowlers Refuge" and they go inside to check it out.

It's not very crowded on it's opening night, so they get it all to themselves. Sofia immediately thinks about kids toys again..

It's just them there and a barista behind the counter that seems to have a great time there, laughing by herself.. "Look at those tourists.. what do they think they're doing!? This is bowling, not a game of baseball..!"

Laughing baristas aside, Sofia and Palash have a great time bowling, and Palash ends up winning the game 26 to 25.

During the bowling match, Sofia gets another wish to woohoo that says "Woohoo with Palash", so now she has two wishes related to this action. Since yesterday, she has had a wish to "woohoo in the jacuzzi", so I think it's time she gets it fulfilled now..

After the game, she immediately begins to flirt with him and it becomes a date. It's getting late, and she suggests that they should go home, there's no time to sit and wait around.. A little less conversation, a little more action, please. ;)

So she calls for a taxi, but there is a problem.. this almost Moby look-a-like appears to be blocking her way, but only her way, to get home..
    Palash can get into a taxi just fine.. I have no idea who that is, but I go to town hall and ask if they have seen any man that looks like this picture, and sure they have. They sift through their registry of everyone in town, and tell me his name is "Nils Frogner", so I ask them to give him the reset boot so that he ends up standing in his own home..

"Ah, it must be the old age getting to me" he thinks "I could have sworn I was out on a late night stroll just mere seconds ago..." That didn't work, though.. Palash is already on his way home in a taxi (!), yet Sofia stands there and desperately calls for a taxi three more times, but she always gets the same response.. "Sorry, we can't deliver a taxi to you, Nils Frogner is ahead of you in the queue!"

I almost contemplate using "force kill" on that muggle, but I have mercy, so instead Sofia gets to travel through the aether for a short while, to instantly appear home, and actually makes it there before Palash and the taxi arrives...

"Huh?" she thinks as she observes the taxi entering the driveway... "What..? What happened? How could he get...? Why did I not get a..? Why am I suddenly standing here...before the taxi...? I... I understand nothing of this...??"

Well, anyway... she shrugs it off, and they walk inside. Palash now has a wish to kiss his wife, his first romantic wish since their arrival, so he folds his arms around her, and goes for the lips. :P

Sofia now has two wishes related to woohoo, and I say that overrides everything, even if he doesn't have a wish for it, so she goes for the action, and I deliberately leave it up to her to select where she wants to do it. ;)

As I had hoped, and probably should have been expecting, she calls for Palash to go outside, and jumps into the jacuzzi.

He's a bit of an oddball, because he actually puts on more clothing before he jumps in, but uh...

They sit down and cuddle for a bit while exchanging sweet words to each other, before the action finally begins. ;)

Woohoo! ;)

Sofia is now very satisfied, having fulfilled two wishes in one go! :P

Now there is nothing more left for her to do, so she immediately gets up to go to bed. Palash sits there for a while longer to relax a little, still fully clothed..

..before he joins her in bed as well, and they fall happily asleep..

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...