Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chapter 6.1 - October 2022 - Part I: All on board!


The news about the police raid had of course also reached the coastal community of Bewickton just off the east coast ,where especially old grandpa Deepak was glued to the tv set absorbing everything he could about the ongoing case...

Laranya was concerned about her daughter and her grandchildren, so she gave Leya a call, but Leya could assure them that everything was just fine with them.

Of course, Leya and most of the townsfolk was shocked that something like this had been going on in their little town, but all in all they were doing just fine.

The news had also reached Palash and Sofia, currently located on the cruise ship, MS Princess Ragnhild, that just left Cyme Ixotic and is about to stake out its course to the tropical island of Belo Horizonte where they will spend their honeymoon... after getting married in July...
Going on a cruise is in high demand, so they didn't get tickets until October...

Before they went, little Yumi had been dropped off at Laranya and Deepaks house because the cruise ship did not allow animals, with a clear message from Palash not to spoil her to much when they were away..     "Oh no worries, we won't spoil her" Laranya told him with a small wink in her eye. I mean, since when has a grandmother ever spoiled anything..... :P

Departure and Day 1.

The cruise ship was set to departure from Cyme Ixotic late that night, so by the time they went on board, it was already bedtime, so not much to do but to locate their room and go to bed.

Sofia had originally wanted to order a room for them on the aft deck*, but those rooms were already full, so they had to make do with getting one on the Mid Deck, right below the disco area... the least quiet area of the entire ship.. and loud music was already blaring from above as they exit the elevator on their floor...
* Well, that was what I thought I had set up, but.. somehow that didn't work..

I hope they can get a good nights sleep! :P

Day one of their journey, time to get up and locate the buffét! They sit down to eat their morning salad, and Sofia hopes to meet some celebrities on their journey. It is very important for her to have something to brag about once she gets home.. why else would one go on such an expensive cruise to a tropical island, if not for keeping up appearances? ;) If we would have had access to her social media account, I'm sure it would have been full of pictures of her happy life..

..but this is actually a happy life, because they are really enjoying the surroundings of the cruise ship already. And after breakfast, Sofia grabs Palash for a heavy kiss, and I think this is so cute!

Sofia gets lots of pleasure from kissing (and woohoo! And why wouldn't she, its good stuff. ;) ) Palash enjoys it too, but he also has some different thoughts.. Where Sofia wants to go on a cruise simply for the experience (and something to talk about once they are back home), Palash, being a family oriented man, has hopes that when they come back Sofia will be pregnant...

Sofia meets one of the young party kids living on this deck, and she immediately starts talking to Sofia about children.

Interestingly, Sofia is not reacting to the conversation topic negatively, so maybe there is hope for Palash's wish. ;) Palash is seen out in the lower left here, where he is walking around to explore the ship.

He locates the restaurant on the main deck and thinks this would be a really nice place to dine with Sofia later.

He is so excited, he cheers at his own idea. ;)

Palash then locates the cinema, that is just opposite from the restaurant across the open mid section. The doors are a little anonymous, the only thing indicating there is a cinema inside is the obscure movies poster to the left of the doors, but its there. ;)

Palash sits down to watch an action movie, "Puritania", about dangerous robots from the future, travelling through time to conquer the planet and exterminate all of mankind...

Let chaos entwine
On defenseless soil
Remove errors of man
And sweep all the weakening kind

Bygone are tolerance

And presence of grace
Scavengers are set out
To cleanse the human filth parade

- Dimmu Borgir, Puritania
Phew! Thank goodness its only a movie...

Afterwards Palash and Sofia sit down to read each their book in each their lobby when this woman comes over to brighten his day. Palash listens politely, but isn't to interested in this stranger. He only thinks about the restaurant.

Its a very big ship.. and the opportunities for nice screenshots are plentiful, so I find it really hard to limit myself here, but I'm trying not to overload this with images... so a lot of good looking shots unfortunately have to be skipped! These shots are not among the best, but they give an overview of the ship.

Sofia and Palash's room is on the Mid Deck, second to top floor on the port side of the ship (left side when facing front).

Its Sofias lucky day, so after she finishes the book, she wants to try her luck with "The Claw", however, the elevator doesn't really care how lucky she thinks she is, and decides to go for an attack when she tries to exit...

Maybe they are already here.. maybe this is where the take over begins...

Machines: 1. Humans: 0.

Sofia gets up to brush it off, and locates "The Claw" machine. It is in on the main deck, in the entrance area to the cinema.

..but again the machines prove to not care about Sofias perceived idea of luck, and gives her absolutely nothing. A small victory for the machines again. Sofia is a little disappointed, but happy nonetheless..

"There will be plenty of opportunities to get kids toys later" she thinks. Kids toys, Sofia? What are you gonna need that for...? I thought you disliked children...

After being unlucky with "The Claw" Sofia also goes into the cinema to watch a movie. This time its a horror movie about an unsuspecting girl checking her appearance in the mirror, before a ghostly demon appears and... bad things happen!

In the meantime Palash has been checking out the dance floor upstairs, just without doing any dancing. Guess he is not feeling ready for that yet. :P

Sofia finishes watching the movie, and then its time for supper for which they meet downstairs in the restaurant. Aww, this is so cute. Sofia is missing Yumi, their dog, already.

They grab their meals and sit down to eat, at each their table.. so much for the romantic dining experience... (..and yeah, there is a piece of wall coating missing there, I actually didn't notice until now. I'll notify whoever manages the cruise ship, so that they can hopefully fix it! :P )

Oh well, atleast the moment of dining alone together can be savoured by taking a romantic picture afterwards! This gives Sofia a wish to party, so she heads towards the dance floor, but the elevator is not having it again....

So she changes her mind, and decides to follow her husband that is already on his way to bed. I have to give her a hand with this though, and guide her up the stairs, becuase the elevators really aren't cooperating today... why does the ship even have them? :P

After lots of walking about she finally makes it there, and they both fall safely asleep after this first full day of their honeymoon...

Lets just hope these evil machines, elevators and computers won't come around and take over completely... :P

Good night. ;)

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