Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Chapter 6.1 - October 2022. Part V: Murder on the dancefloor...

Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Murder on the dancefloor

Palash and Sofia had to sleep in after staying out late on their visit to Sunset Valley, so they were not among the early birds to the breakfast buffét this morning...
Palash is dreaming about their marriage and Sofia is dreaming about some woman she just saw or that they just met (I don't really know who that is...)

While they are sleeping, I take a look outside the ship because snoring people are boring, to find this beatiful sunrise outside. The weather appears to be on their side now, as the ship approaches the equator..

Some of the "party animals" are up eating though, as these three guys are seen sitting on the table that Palash and Sofia would usually prefer. I guess these guys didn't party to hard last night. ;)

A couple of ladies have made it up, too. So healthy, they all eat salad for breakfast. ;)

Some flirting happens and a few more ladies show up, and now I see it.. the lady in the red dress there is the one Sofia was dreaming about. And I remember why, too, she was the first one of them to talk with Palash not to long after they entered the ship.. She hasn't been seen flirting with him, though, so Sofia is probably ok with that one.

The lady in the red dress brightening Palash's day on their first day on the ship.

Then our honeymooners finally wake up and Sofia walks over to the mirror for her morning check up routine when Palash follows her to give a flirtatious comment about how she is like the perfect meal and he could have her for breakfast anytime... ;) And probably supper and dinner, too... Now what did I say earlier about not eating each other, hmm? :P

Sofia woke up with a wish to kiss her man this morning, and this is of course the perfect opportunity.

I'll admit, I'm probably not good at writing romance stories, but as it is part of life, like so many other things, I can't shy away from it, so.. and as far as kissing scenes go, I find it best to let the pictures do the talking. You wouldn't want to see me try to describe what happens. ;)

It looks like nothing else exists for Sofia except what is right in front of her, and she could probably eat him too, if she could! But I think they should also have some actual food and go get some breakfast, if there is anything left of it. :P

But before they go down to eat, Sofia receives a message from the cruise ships automatic messaging system that she has subscribed to, about a Spooky Day costume party in the disco upstairs. Sofia is really excited about this, and thinks they should go and check it out later.

They haven't crossed the equator yet, so it is still autumn on the ship, but even so, this is a northern hemisphere ship with northern hemisphere passengers, and this time of year, it's Spooky Day for all of them! So the cruise line is of course throwing a themed party that will probably last all the way until spring time... ;)

At the breakfast, or lunch rather, they had their usual talk about the lifestyles of the rich and famous.. Staying on this cruise ship is a dream come true, especially for Sofia. ;)

Sofia wants to play a game with Palash, so after breakfast they go up one floor for a nice game of pool among the fishes. :P

To have children, or not to have children, will probably be an ongoing discussion for this couple.. I still find it interesting how they chose each other, when they have such conflicting personality traits.. They seem really attracted to each other, though I can't say I know what's the attractor here..

Sofia knows she is winning this game, as she has had plenty of practice at the game of pool already. The benefits of growing up in a furnished home.. though, Palash is not to far behind. His parents did start out with "two empty hands" (or rather, four, because, well, you know..), but eventually became successful in the music and art industry. Palash has chosen a somewhat different route then his parents, and gone for a career in business, which might be something that appeals to Sofia.

Anyway, Sofia is right in her prediction, and she ends up winning the game before its time for them to change into their costumes and attend the party.

"I'll be a cannibalistic clown rabbit DNA profiler" Sofia says before changing into her costume.

"And I'll be a murderous ambulance driver" Palash says "First on the scene, no one will guess it was me that actually murdered them.."

: And you will bring them to me, so that I can eat them...
"Oh my dear, you won't be eating alone.. now lets go to the party to find some more victims!" Palash says as he imitates the sound of flesh being torn from it's limbs... they're such a sweet couple.. ;)

They take the elevator up two floors to the disco area on the starboard side and everyone seems to yawn at the same person..

They all go inside and Sofia asks Palash for a dance among the gravestones and skeletons..

I don't think anyone would want to dance on these counters in here tonight... :P

Palash and Sofia is having a good time dancing until Palash has to excuse himself to use the bathroom. Maybe he can find his next victim in there...

After he has left, Sofia notices that the crazy lady, Hulda Ogden, from the family section of the boat has also attended the party. "I hope she doesn't come over to start some fight with me again..." she thinks.

Sofia walks up to the counter to order a love drink from the bartender that seems to be having a great time here in her tiger costume.

Palash joins Sofia at the disk to order a party drink and Sofia is once more thinking about that crazy argumentative lady, however I don't see her anywhere, so I don't know where she is at. :P

As they cross the equator, it is announced that King Neptune himself has emerged from the depths to buy everone a round of his own special tonic to commemorate the event. Palash makes sure to grab one for himself while Sofia walks over to ask Haldis Natvik how her day has been.

As she is doing so Palash walks over to the other disco area on the port side of the ship to talk about movies with some guy. Palash's mother Laranya is a hit movie composer, so Palash basically grew up around movies and movie soundtracks, and it is one of his favorite topics to discuss.

Haldis Natvik is the flirting woman with the orange hair from the breakfast earlier, and oh, she is actually one cute (but probably murderous) bunny lady. :P

After Palash has left a random hot dog guy tries to flirt with Sofia, but she dodges that one immediately. Random hot dog guy would probably be better of trying his luck with Haldis standing there, instead of the newly wed woman on her honeymoon...

Palash wanted to discuss movies with the guy there dressed a private detective, and a random hot dog woman wanted to talk with Palash, but a lady in a green dress was standing in the way enjoying her free round of drink..

As Palash can't get to his target, he gives up and heads back.. "I can always have his head a little later" he thinks... Spooky. ;)

Over at the starboard bar, random hot dog man has moved on to make jokes about marriage to Haldis, and Sofia thinks this is the right track and laughs encouragingly with them.

Palash has walked behind the bar to make funny faces with another random hot dog lady.. I guess when you got these man eating forensics walking around, being a hot dog probably isn't a bad idea... well, as long as it isn't a hot dog made of human flesh....?

Sofia is pleased to see that random hot dog man and Haldis have began flirting with each other instead, before she decides to go back to their room to get a shower and eventually go to bed. It is starting to be a while since she last showered, and it is not good of course, for a person of her stature to hang out in public with low hygiene. ;)

And of course, as soon as Sofia is out the door, and not a moment after, random hot dog lady decides to flirt with Palash.. but again he responds negatively. Their marriage is really being put to the test on this part of the boat, sharing a deck with all these flirtatious party animals, but so far it seems to be solid, because they have not responded postively to all the flirting, not even once.

Palash tries to distract the hot dog lady from feeling any interest by talking about something boring, like his job and the current state of the financial market...

Hot dog lady probably wants to be someone's bun tonight (sorry not sorry... :P) because she sticks with it, and continues to discuss finance and work with him, until he relaxes a little more and starts talking about movies with her..

Hot dog lady hasn't given up, because the movie talk makes her flirt with him again, but this time his response is even more negative, and she decides to leave him, finally. :P

.but not without looking at him from the corner of her eye and thinking about the double bed, which DivaDoodle has pointed out, probably means she wants to woohoo... Lay off hot dog lady, this man is married! :P

Palash then thinks its time for him to hit the bed as well – with his wife – as he walks through the sudden ghostly mist on the dancefloor.. perfect to cover up the murders...

He doesn't quite get there, though, because he had been spied on all night by this detective that stopped him to make a seemingly innocent joke about being on a boat to catch fish, implicitly asking him how many and where he hides them...

Palash deflects this hidden question by sharing a crazy theory about everything in their world being made up and dictated by some slimy, smelly alien slug sitting deep down in a bunker only dimly lit by the pale blue flashing light of a computer screen...

..and that their world is only one of many. "There is an entire army of them" he says, waving his hands madly. "An entire army of these fat, mucilaginous creatures in their dark and putrid cubicles simulating and churning out stories about us. That's all we are, simulated stories! We don't really exist!"

"This is fools talk" the detective man says "How many of those Neptune drinks did you have?"
    "Oh no! This is not fools talk! It's all true, I have been reading all about it on Greenit and watched plenty of videos on Simtube about it, it's all t.."
    "Nonsense!" Palash is interrupted. "You're a fool, plain and simple! Can't you hear how insane that sounds? I'm not having any more of this...." the detective man says before he walks on to go look for something to eat...

Palash walks on happily to his own room to go to bed, but.his Sofia isn't there.

It took a pretty long time for her to get back to their room for a shower, as she tried to go there by using the elevators, and there was already a huge line of people wanting to use them.. and after showering, she felt like she needed something to eat so she had gone back to the breakfast area to eat some dried up left over cookies before going to bed..

..where she is joined by the same detective man Palash talked to earlier. Once he sits down, Sofia makes sure to share her dislike of children once again, before finishing her nightly meal and making it back to her room..

Another late night for the honeymooners. I hope they can get a good nights sleep, because tomorrow they are scheduled to arrive at their honeymoons real destination...

Goodnight. ;)

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 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...