Thursday, June 15, 2023

Chapter 6.2 - October 2022 - Belo Horizonte Day II: Off the edge of the map...

The next morning Palash is as usual the early bird, and wakes up first while Sofia is dreaming about babies.. of all things.. hmm.. maybe she can be persuaded? ;)

Palash goes outside to play a game of gnubb while he waits for his wife to wake up, of course dropping the stick on his head a few times. ;)

Sofia wakes up to do her usuall morning routine of checking her appearance in the mirror, and this morning she really likes what she sees. "Palash has got to want a piece of this! Mmm mmm, hello there hot mama!" she thinks. :P

She finds a ball inside, and asks him to throw ball in front of the house, doing her best to hide her laugh because he just hit his head with the stick again. ;)

Sofia than goes for another skinny dip in the jacuzzi while Palash sneaks away into the bathroom..

..where he sends a secret admirer text to some guy called Stig Øvretveit. I have no idea who that is, and I don't think he should be sneaking away to send texts like that on his honeymoon! :O

I take note of the name, in case he does it again... He is attracted to Sofia, or he does like her atleast, because he does get the big red heart moodlet when he is near her... so I don't know what that was, but for now I will just think of it as some random impulse, or something.. and hope that it was only a one time occurence!

He then joins Sofia to chill in the nude in the jacuzzi again, and this makes her very excited of course. ;) So much so, she has to get up from the jacuzzi to cheer at him..

And now she seems to cheer at him no matter what he does.. going to the kitchen to grab a meal? Sofia is excited and cheers.

Sitting down to eat? Sofia is excited and cheers.

Simply excisting? Sofia is excited and cheers. :P

Sofia then goes for another skinny dip in the jacuzzi.. she probably really wants that woohoo now... ..but ever since Palash himself got a feeling with being a ghost after his visit to the ghost house in Sunset Valley, he has gotten increasingly fascinated with, well, ghosts and everything that revolves around death... he walks outside the porch of course, to talk to Sofia about going to the graveyard.. because that's what he wants..

I want them to explore more of the island since they are there, not excactly the graveyard though as I think it is a bit of an odd choice to go on a honeymoon.... but.. anyway... Sofia agrees to go there and Palash calls a taxi to take them to the graveyard..

The graveyard is pretty much on the opposite side of the island, so its a long way to get there, and they pass by several places that Sofia wants to visit, such as the local festival grounds and some other nice hangout places and beaches...

They arrive at the graveyard, though, and Palash gets his wish fulfilled, before he runs off to the far edge of the graveyard to sit down and think by the graves of some local fallen heroes from "The Great World War" (1930 – 1935) (See also: Chapter 2.1: Of politics and war). Chilling that the topic of war is always a relevant one...

Palash is the kind that enjoys learning about the places he goes to, and has read up a little bit about the history of the islands... "They were so young when they died" he thinks. "Some of them had just been drafted and were only 18 or 19 years old..."

But Sofia is a in a little more cheerful mood than her husband, though, as she walks over to the War Veterans burial ground to grab him for a kiss again..

As the sun begins to set Palash then walks over to sit by the graves of victims of the Serra Gordokala volcanic eruption in 1983, before Sofia follows him there to make a comment about how she would like to paint him in the nude (even though she doesn't have much painting skills to speak of, but at this point she would probably say anything...)

The graveyard is definately a place to memorize some historical events and time periods.. and once the sun has gone below the beatiful horizon (:P) Palash decides to tell a ghost story about the pirates that used to reign in the area in the 16 and 1700s, cursed by their own greed and sentenced to forever roam the seas surrounding the islands... "They are not among the living" he says, "but neither are they among the dead!"

Sofia listens with keen interest, but isn't really to scared, not even when he delivers what he thinks is the most terrifying ending..

She just looks at him and says "Was that it? Ha! I'm sure I could do better.." before she gets up to embrace him and give him another hot kiss...

...but Palash isn't happy with that. He wants to give her a real scare, so he tells another one! This one is also about zombie pirates, but these ones are much more terrifying and bloodthirsty than the ones in his first story!

He tells the tale of how the pirates one night invaded the nearby island of São Miguel, taking no prisoners and laying bare all the gory details of the story! "Not a single soul was left alive on the island", he says, "and to this day no one has ever set foot there and come back alive..."

This story has the desired effect, and Sofia is left terrified! "We are NOT visiting that island" she says, before she gets up and wants to share some more gossip with him..

..but it is already getting very late, and Palash, having been up since before sunrise, is so tired now he could fall asleep right then and there any minute, and is no longer in the mood for any gossip or chit chat, so he rejects her and doesn't want to listen to her gossip..

Sofia then grabs him for a sudden kiss, and that cheers him up for a while, but sadly not enough to give him a wish to woohoo with her... Then an eerie sound is heard from one of the graves of the volcanic eruption victims, and the ghost of a woman shows up and floats by...

The ghosts name is Amika Kahale, and from the looks of it she was probably pretty hot when she was still alive.... (Ooof..!)

Palash is thrilled and cheers at the ghostly woman as she passes them, but Sofia is not all that excited this time.. "Palash! Did a ghost just pass by!? I don't like this.... I think it's time to go back to the beach house!"

"..and you've been up since early morning! You must be dead tired by now! I'll call for a taxi!"

Sofia called for a taxi, and they went the long way back under the beatiful night sky.. Palash was so tired, he fell asleep in the taxi and slept all the way back and immediately went to bed as they arrived..

Sofia still had just enough energy to eat some left over sushi, before joining him and dreaming sweet dreams of love..

Good night. ;) P.S: Sorry about the lack of woohoo.. I think.. I will try to make it right come next update.. I don't want to be responsible for creating a desperate housewife ! :P

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...