Monday, June 19, 2023

Chapter 7.7 – December 2022: Part VII - Perpetual Motion Machine

Once Leya has been properly updated on her fathers health and progress, Leya and Laranyas conversation quickly turns into more mundane things. It is very important for Leya to tell everyone about her favorite colour, which is purple... ... well, being a bit of a painter too, she would naturally be interested in colours and how to use them..

Laranya continues to talk about a recent song that she composed, and how she, prior to Deepak going to the hospital, joyfully watched as the local orchestra practiced her piece... She made no mention of anyone there uttering any forbidden words, though, so maybe that part was all just in Leyas mind..

Bodil was still playing the Queen, and Gaute showed his party animal side by dancing to the latino music from the stereo. The atmosphere in the house was as relaxed as it could be in this situation. Orinder was left unsupervised for a while, and decided to do some exploring around this new house he hadn't been to before, and quickly located the upstairs toilet to play around in...

Leya quickly noticed his little detour, though, and wasn't necessarily to happy about it...
"Come here little man, mommy doesn't like you doing that.. toilet is icky icky..."

Laranya was feeling energized by the visitors and decided to play a small jam on her guitar whilst they were waiting for the the appointment later to visit Deepak again at the hospital..

For Deepak his the physiotherapy session had just begun and the first step would be to get out of the wheelchair.. Deepak was feeling a little down this morning, so the physiotherapist had tried to cheer him by having a conversation with him about his main interests; music and painting... Maybe some interesting songs or art would come out of this experience..

Before getting up Deepak was nervous about falling again, but the physiotherapist and the nurse was there to calm him down and assure him that they would support him if necessary.

For Deepak this felt a bit like a moon landing... it was only small steps, but still a giant leap from his near death experience, being immobilized and unable to speak.

As nice as the nurses and doctors were, Deepak didn't want to stay at the hospital any longer then necessary, so he gave it all he got as he pushed himself to an upright position.

The nurse and the physiotherapist was happy and impressed as he was even able to go for a small walk around the hallway already on his first try. They gave him praise for already being ahead of schedual as their plan for today was only to get him out of the wheelchair and standing.

He wanted to go home to his wife and daughter and continue a normal life as soon as possible, and spending christmas eve at the hospital was not an option, so he summoned every bit of grit and stubbornness he could find.

Leya needed to unwind a little more after receiving the unpleasant news just this morning, and went out into the backyard to play some darts and taste the rain for a while, when another familiar voice was heard calling her name from behind.

It was her youngest sister Nitya that just came home from spending time at the second hand store browsing through cook books. Nitya as a child was more fascinated by cooking than anything else, and would spend her time "experimenting" in the kitchen as she called it, often leaving quite the mess to be cleaned up.. she continued her experimenting throughout her teenage years eventually becoming quite the natural cook, while simultaneously following in the footsteps of her father and developing a love for colors and painting.

Inside Laranya had sat down in the couch to watch the romance channel, and Bodil had found a science fiction book to read while waiting for the appointment later to visit Deepak again at the hospital..

However, with visiting time just around the corner, she had to put the book down without finishing it.

"Come here mommys little boy.. we're going to the hospital to meet grandpa.."
There were plenty of new experiences for Orinder. Just this morning he went on his first plane ride, which was definately scary for such a young boy with all the noises from the plane, even though the trip itself went smooth with near perfect flying conditions. He had just met his grandma for the first time as well, and now he would go to a hospital for the, well, second time in his life to meet his grandpa (or first time since he was born). He had just turned 1, so he probably wouldn't remember to much of this as he got older, except for maybe a few glimpses here and there.

Bodil that had just turned 8, also last month, definately understood a lot more of what was going on. She wasn't completely sure what having a stroke actually meant, but she had understood enough to know that it was a little more than a mere accident, and that it could potentially impact a persons functioning and even lead to death. Very serious thoughts for an 8 year old. Serious thoughts was not a new concept for Bodil, she's had some of those on occasion, wondering what life would have been like if mom hadn't split with her father when she was just a baby herself..

When they came outside and Bodil saw grandmas car, she knew which one she wanted to ride in. Grandma had such a cool and fast car, compared to mom's old pile of junk! And grandma drove really fast! Much faster than mom, and even faster than Gaute!

"Woow! Grandma, your car is sooo cool!"

Of course, since Laranyas car was so fast compared to Leyas, they had to wait a while for Gaute, Leya and Orinder to arrive, which made Bodil a little impatient, so she ran ahead everyone else to the elevator that would bring them upstairs.

Bodil is to young to have a life time wish, but this experience certainly made her think about the importance of being surrounded by family...


"Oh, oh, Bodil my girl, careful with the old man, haha!"

"Grandpa, you know when I get old like you, I will be building rockets that can go high up into space!"

Deepak: That sounds really cool! And maybe one day your rockets will discover a magnificent new planet to settle a new base on!
Leya: Orinder, my boy, do you want to say hi to grandpa?
Orinder: Mama...?

Bodil: Yes! I will discover a planet, and I will name the planet after me of course! And I will be the queen of that planet!

Deepak: Hello there little man! Nice to finally get to see you! I have heard so much about you! I'm Deepak, your grandpa!

Orinder: Mama!
Deepak: Hahaha, I'm your grandpa! Can you say grandpa?
Orinder: Mama!

Afterwards it was time for the family to head for the caféteria to have a meal together. The nurse offered to assist Deepak in getting there, but he wanted to get there by himself so she could only do one thing and keep her hands off the wheelchair! Bodil was thinking about driving around in grandmas car again. It was like a new car to her, even though it wasn't. ;)

Deepak really ached to go home now, and to continue his painting, his livelihood and hobby!

And this displays really well what the Chitrakaar family is all about. Art and music...

In that area, both Deepak and Laranya has served as great sources of inspiration for each other throughout ther lives, working almost like a wheel where one is always pushing the other forward...

Leya shared her parents interest in the arts, so the conversation revolved heavily around these creative aspects of life on their end of the table, until Bodil changed the topic by not so subtly mentioning the wishlist she had prepared for her christmas gifts! ;)

"Oh, well we might just have a surprise for you! And this year it looks like we won't have to send it by mail! Saves us money on stamps and postcards!"
...said the ever frugal Deepak. ;) But well.. the family may be well off financially now.. thanks to their hard work, but it hasn't always been like that. Not everyone is so blessed to be able to live off of painting and composing music. The myth of the starving artist is a little more then just a myth, but with a little bit of penny pinching and jobs on the side, they eventually made it.. and successfully raised five children along with it, too!

Bodil then wanted to try a guessing game.. "Hmm.. what could it be? Something for the garden?"

Bodil: Mom has said you gave her garden tools for christmas one year!
Leya: I never said that...

Deepak: Garden tools!? No no no, we never gave our kids garden tools for christmas! We always encouraged their creative sides by giving them easels and musical instruments! Garden tools! Hmmph!!
Bodil: I know what it is then! You'll get me a grand piano!
Leya: Well, I kind of hope not.. how are we gonna get that back home?
Bodil: We'll just send it with the plane of course!

Deepak: Grand piano or not, I'm not going to spoil the fun by saying what it is, but either way, I'm sure we'll find a way for you to take it back home...

Nitya: Well I think it's going to be a very good christmas this year! With so many from the family gathered, I want to treat you all by preparing the christmas food!

Deepak: That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to get out of here and celebrate with all of you! This might just be the best christmas we've had yet!

It would certainly be good for Deepak and everyone to have him back home once he was able to move around freely without the wheelchair and celebrate with his family, and everyone there was certainly looking forward to christmas this year.

They continued their conversation around the table about anything from fishing trips and outdoor living (Gautes favorite topic...) to more talk about music, arts and the theatre until finally hospital visiting time was over and the nurse came back to take Deepak to his room for the night.

Deepak kissed his wife goodnight before they had to leave, while thinking about the money he saved by eating the free hospital food.. no I'm just kidding. ;) He may be frugal, but I can't believe he is that cheap... besides, the food they ate at the cafeteria wasn't free, they paid for that, including him, so no money saved there. :P I may call myself the Narrator, but sometimes I am merely a Watcher without full access to what goes on in their minds, so I'll admit to not being 100 % sure why he's thinking about money here..

Well, regardless, they all had a nice time meeting Deepak at the hospital and I'm sure even Orinder appreciated meeting his grandpa for the first time, but now it was time for them to leave and call it a night.

Still this was good news for Bodil, because this meant she would get another ride in grandmas awesome shiny fast car. ;)

Fast cars are always entertaining, so what could be better? Good night. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...