Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chapter 4.1 - March 2022 - Lets make paintings and songs about babies and fish...

For some reason, when I returned to to the Chitrakaar-Skurckh family this morning I found Udisha in the bathroom preparing a meal...

The reason becomes clear when I see what her kitchen looks like.. didn't you clean that up last month!?

Its hard being pregnant and taking care of a small baby.. you should try it yourself one day!

Ok, ok... well, I can't get pregnant, my body is completely incapable of that, and as for kids, well I don't know..

Things are rarely quiet in this household nowadays, even if she has her old man husband there to help out. Here he is feeding their last born baby girl, Madhunisha, after tucking in Ole Christian.. even though its early morning.. their sleep schedual is already borked...

As Udisha cleans up the kitchen, Nishit gets up and gets ready for school.

And just as he leaves, Kajsa Tangstad, the drummer from the band, "The Bushweeds", goes into labor and gives birth right outside her home.

She becomes the happy parent of a baby boy named Nikolai.

Kajsa lives in this house together with Betty Wills, on the same street as Udishas parents.

She walks out and offers to help Kajsa with taking care of and feeding the baby, though she is a little uncertain about what babies actually eat.
    "Do we feed him soup, or what do we do?" she asks. Kajsa just looks at her... "
No, Betty.. he's not getting soup, atleast not yet. I will breastfeed him, of course...."

"And when he gets a little older, I will teach him to love music just as much as I do."

Oh, parents forcing their ideals onto their children.. he might become just like her, or he might rebel against her wishes and ideals and become a white collar businessman... what a nightmare that would be... :P

The town council was kind enough to buy a crib for Kajsas household, a service they give out to all households that doesn't have one, to ensure the welfare of all children, of course.

Udisha has many irons in the fire.. she is now the mother of three children, an aspiring artist and wants to excel in her career as a business woman.. She loves kids, but at the same time it annoys her that her career is progressing so slowly...

Nonetheless, she wants to teach Ole Christian to walk. She wants him to become as independent as possible as fast as possible, so that she can free up more time for painting and return to work...

Nishit has an excursion day, and I see that Betty Wills is actually his teacher.

And their excursion is, of course, at the local mausoleum and graveyard, which I find really odd, because in all my years at school, we never had such an excursion. ;) Why do sim kids have to learn about death so much? :P

At home, Udisha has decided to take Ole Christian outside for some fresh air, even though her bladder is almost full, and I am worried she is going to wet her pants, but she has it all under control and no accidents happen. :P


This is a picture of Kajsa "breastfeeding" her baby, just because I think its cute. ..........

Deepak has taken Udishas younger sister, Nitya, to the University Auditorium. None of his kids has gone to university, so he hopes to encourage her to be the first one. And of course, he just has to play some music in the background to set the mood..

Their mother, Laranya, has no university credits either, but plenty of experience as a hit movie composer, and here she is upstairs rehearsing for her guest lecture that she will hold for the art students.

The University Auditorium is the red building located next to the hospital and right in front of the Medical Students Study Hall.

Udishas youngest brother, Bhavan, is at the fire station keeping his body in shape.

When he leaves his shift, he gets the happy news that he has been promoted to Assistan Fire Chief. Only one rank left to climb, and he will have pretty much by himself fulfilled his life time wish!

Nishit is home from school, but thinks its to noisy at home... "Bye mom, I'm going fishing!"

Watch out for traffic on the way, and be home before it gets dark.

Yes, mom.. see you later!

Nishit goes to the swampier parts of town to go fishing, and thinks its a good idea to hide in the grass. "If the fish can't see I'm here, they will probably be easier to catch". Nishit eventually fulfills his wish of catching a goldfish, his first fish.

Palash, Udishas oldest (and somewhat weird) brother has somehow bribed his way into The 1912, the towns upper class lounge. He must have paid a lot of money to the bouncer getting in looking like that. He's not excactly following the dress code....

He is single, but has Sofia Karlsen as his love interest, and she actually is interested in him too, but he is so odd, he just doesn't get it. His weird actions constantly sabotages any advances that she tries to make... so their relationship is at a standstill..
and now he is out on the town, slow dancing with Christina Østreng, a married woman, instead..

Correction: Palash is not single, he is engaged to Sofia Karlsen. I discovered this when I found them taking pictures outside his home the following afternoon. Though, he was a bit odd at the start of their relationship and it did take him a good while for it to sink in that she was interested in him. Or at least thats what it kind of looked like to me. He certainly had some strange and erratic behaviour, but yeah, now they are actually engaged somehow, so... yay!

Nishit is done fishing, and goes for his homework, still out in the swamp. Just remember what your mother told you, and get home before dark. ;)

The 1912 looks like the place to be this month, and our teacher-by-day, party-animal-by-night Kjersti Jordal is also there, dressed up for the occasion. That outfit is sure to draw some attention, I should think. ;)

And it does, but it appears to be unwanted. "Why can't a girl dress up as she wants to have a bit of fun without being hit on constantly?" Yeah, you can ask....

But there are no hard feelings and she goes on to converse with Andre and his wife. Andre is a celebrity in town, and The 1912 is the best place to hangout for meeting up with celebrities.

As it gets dark and begins to rain, Nishit decides to call it a night and heads back home to finish his last bit of homework.

The old man Dudleif is already tired, and has gone to bed...

Palash is being a bit sensible for once, maybe, and actually decides to leave the lounge and go home as well instead of staying up all night and getting weirder and weirder... ;) As people sometimes can get if they have a bit to much of.. stuff... :P

Nishit has finished his homework, and goes to bed.

It rains a lot in the town of Bewickton. Sometimes quite a lot, and this night was one of those. It is good for Udisha and her family that their home has no basement, because there were a few reports around the town from people with flooded basements.... Poor Bhavan the fireman didn't get much sleep, he had to be out pumping water out of peoples homes all night...

And with the rain hammering on relentlessly outside, everyone in this family was fast asleep.. well, except for the last born Madhunisha, because babies are just annoying like that. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...