Monday, June 19, 2023

Chapter 7.9 - December 2022: Part IX – Welcome to the family...? / Cold in December

Josie Dunne - Cold in December

Bodil woke up early this morning as Orinder was in need of having his diaper changed, and the hotel they stayed at didn't offer the luxury of separate bedrooms for the kids..

For their third day, Leya wanted to visit her oldest sister, Udisha, but she was busy with work. Not surprising as she had always been the most ambitious of everyone in the family, so instead she opted to take the family to the park to wind down a little. Even though everything seemed to be going fine with her father at the hospital, and her mother, brother and her youngest sister was dealing with it alright, the last few days had been pretty stressful, and she thought it could be useful to take one day to just relax a little.. The weather forecast promised good weather, but cold, so they would have to put on their warmest clothing..

Bodil was having her concerns about the cold, but those concerns were unessecary, because the forecast and the weather seemed wildly out of tune..

The cold crisp weather that was promised, was nowhere to be found. Instead, they got mild weather and rain.. Not the most ideal for a trip to the park, but Leya thought it might do them good, and decided to take them anyway..

Bodil and Gaute walked into the park, but their stay didn't last that long, because shortly after they arrived, Leya got a phone call from her youngest sister, Nitya. She was throwing a party and invited them to come over. Of course, Leya couldn't turn her sister down, so their trip to the park was cut short.

Back to her mom and dad and her sisters house they went.

Meanwhile at the hospital Deepak continued to make great progress, as he was now relearning to walk. The physiotherapist Beate Stenstad was really enthusiastic about her patient. It was clear he was very motivated to finish the program and get home in time for christmas to spend time with his family.

Trying to explain why sims do what they do is sometimes an interesting task..but apparently as Leya and her family entered the front door, the party guests had already gathered in the bathroom where things seemed to be happening...
Kajsa Tangstad, the drummer from the band, "The Bushweeds", was already criticising Bhavan for his, according to her, poor taste in music...

His girlfriend, Beate Curious, didn't think his taste in music was at all bad, and she loved it everytime he would serenade her with his guitar. ;) Penny Pincher-Peddler thought Kajsa was being ridiculous for criticising others taste in music like that...

Just another awkward sims moment.. Bhavan and Beate clearly walked into the bathroom for some time alone, but obviously, that wasn't going to happen. What Katinka Hunter is doing there, I don't even know.. well, there is rarely a time for Bhavan to be alone. There's just something about him that makes him irressistible. The poor boy can't help it! ;)

Gaute had gone out in the backyard for a game of darts, when he was approached by Leyas sister Nitya. She didn't know Gaute very well, but there was still something about this man her sister had chosen the marry that piqued her interest. It waned though, as soon as he started talking about the the beauty of the forest, and that he might want to go camping later. So boring...

Inside Bhavan and his girlfriend had learnt that the bathroom wasn't giving them the privacy they desired, and had left it to enter his parents bedroom instead.... Bhavan was always happy to see his mother, but..

.. he couldn't resist it when his girlfriend suggested they have a little fun... on his parents bed..

I mean, if this wasn't his parents bed, and if his father actually wasn't at the hospital recovering from a stroke, this would've been cute and all, but.. no...I find this to be quite disgraceful, to be honest! :P

His girlfriend Beate certainly didn't think so, and was very proud of herself for having been naughty outside her home..

Maybe she eavesdropped on them, or maybe she just saw what happened through the windows, because as soon as they were finished Penny Pincher-Peddler walked into the bedroom to make some advances on Bhavan as well..

Beate wasn't to impressed, but she had no need to worry as he dismissed her and walked away with pride as well. Nitya had also entered the room now, probably not to impressed with what her brother just did in their parents bed...

Beate was still completely without any shame, thinking this was a family she could easily marry herself into... Better hope your future parent-in-laws won't learn about what you did and that everyone will warmly welcome you to the family if that should be the case. ;)

So proud...

"Now time to sneak out of here and go home, before Bhavan's sister figures out what just happened..."

While all this was going on, Leya had gone out to the little garden house to relax by herself in her parents jacuzzi, just like she did on their last visit. Except this time she had the decency to keep her clothes on. :P Which is more than what can be said about her brother Bhavan.. neither Leya nor Gaute had caught what he did, as Gaute was upstairs looking after Orinder.


Downstairs again, Bhavan, Penny and Nitya had gathered in the hallway talking about more mundane things, while Bodil was once more being the Mighty Queen of the Chessboard Kingdom..

As Penny cheered her way out, saying it was an awesome party in spite of its slight weirdness, and some random paparazzi entered through the back door, Nitya the party host thought the party was over, so she retreated to her room to finish a painting she had started to earlier.

At the end of the night only Kajsa and Katinka was left of the party guests, and Bhavan thought he could finally let off some steam about how he felt always having people flock around him for no apparent reason..

A message that was not very well received..

Gaute had taken Orinder out to enjoy some clean fresh air, when Nitya, who had now finished her painting, snuck up on them and thought she'd take the chance of what she had thought about all evening.. She had heard so much talk from her sister on the phone about how good he were with the kids, so why not? After all, if her sister could marry this man, then why couldn't she...?

Gaute: No, no, no.. what is this? What are you doing? I can't do that...

Oh the shock and disappointment, but what did you expect? You're only 19 years old, you have an entire life ahead of you.... why on earth would you want to date a much older and already married man with two kids* and a step daughter..?

* Gaute has one child (Robert Bråge) with Ranveig that lives in Sunset Valley, in addition to Orinder with Leya. Bodil is only his step daughter.

Well, Gaute tries to put her off by talking about how much he enjoys working out and spending hours at the gym, but that backfires and turns her on again.. who doesn't want a fit and muscular man?

Gaute: No... come on, that's not what I meant..
Yeah, he has to reject her twice, before she finally gets it and gives up. :P

Before the night ends, Laranya decides she wants to entertain everyone by playing some new tunes she's been working on. "I think I'll call this one 'Lonely heart blues'" she says, while she strikes a sad chord on her guitar to set the tone.. And even thought Deepak is not there, she still keeps the light off in the hallways, like he always did.. or does, because "it keeps the electricity bill down".
Is it always this cold in December...?

They hang out in the hallway for a while, sharing jokes and listening to grandmas music, before Nitya gets tired and goes to nap on her bed.


Bodil is impressed with grandmas house, and wants to sleep over. She thinks it will be much better than sleeping at the hotel, and better yet, zero chance of waking up to a screaming smelly toddler...
And of course, she is most welcome. There's always room at grandmas house. ;)

No one shall ever go to bed hungry in the Chitrakaar house, so Laranya immediately went upstairs to prepare a meal for her grandchild.

Gaute hugged Bodil goodnight one last time before they went back to the hotel. "God night, sleep tight, and we'll come pick you up tomorrow morning where we'll have another go at visiting your aunt Udisha if she's not to busy working again..."

Laranya really enjoyed having Bodil over for the night, and they spent a good time at the table, discussing music, art and the theatre. Laranya often felt lonely in the house with Deepak at the hospital, and even though their youngest daughter Nitya still lived at home, it wasn't the same. Nitya was a young adult (that should be) more or less ready to move out, and she already lived a pretty independent life from her parents.

Having her grandchild over brought some much needed life into the house again. Laranya had never felt as old as she did after Deepak went to the hospital, and watching her granddaughter play at the dining table made her almost feel young again.

Since Bhavan moved out, his old bedroom had been converted to a guest room, and finally Bodil got to sleep in a bunk bed for the first time. ;) Top bunk, of course!

Back at the hotel room, it was bedtime for Orinder, Leya and Gaute as well, and soon everyone was well on their way to Dreamland, sleeping safe and sound on this calm December night...

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...