Friday, June 9, 2023

Chapter 5.2 – June 2022 - Palash and Sofias wedding, part II: The wedding.

Greenland Whalefishers - Waiting

I've been waiting.. waiting.. waiting for you...
I've got a whole lot of love
I hope you feel the same way too...

Well, speaking of hauntings... they say that animals have a 6th sense, and as I spent the night watching Palash's house in anticipation of the wedding day, a certain ominous music is heard, and his newly adopted dog immediately begins dreaming about something... but nothing is seen on the lot or the surrounding area... so it was probably just the wind, or something...

Palash wakes up this morning thinking about buying kids stuff and throwing a party, before feeding the dog.

Sofia wakes up and immediately puts on her fire fighting outfit, before she goes to clean up some of her old dirty dishes... It's obvious she is used to living alone. :P
"It can't look like this now that I will be getting married and Palash will move in with me..." she thinks.

Yumi shows her temperament by snarling at Palash. He reprimands her for it, before giving her a treat, hoping it will set her in a better mood.. or maybe he just ended up reinforcing bad behaviour..

..because afterwards Yumi goes on to chew on one of his dining chairs..

He has his breakfast outside as usual, before he picks up Yumi to head to the Festival Park in time for the wedding..



Leya and her father Deepak is already on the spot, and in front of them stands Kjersti Jordal, the teacher-party animal friend that Gaute made on their last visit...

Dudleif, Laranya, Nitya and Bhavan is also on the spot, all ready for a wedding!

Palash began to feel the nerves, and went into the bathroom there to change into his outfit for the day...

..and everything should be ready for a splendid wedding, except.. oh no! Where's the bride?

There she is running as fast as she can.. imagine being late for your own wedding day... For a while it almost looked like she was going to stand him up... I bet she is nervous, too!

She is happy though, once she finally makes it there. Today is going to be a wonderful day!

People are starting to catch on to what is about to happen, and then...

..Sofia, what!? She just changed to her fire fighting outfit...!

"I want to get married in this, to let the entire town see how skilled and brave I am!"

Well, if that's what you want.... so I let her do it.. and I can't help but thinking she might want to impress someone else too. Someone who isn't there, atleast not in flesh..

Deepak is so excited for his son, he can't hold it together.

And so the exchange of rings begin, and everyone else start getting emotional, too.

It's a beatiful moment, even if she is not wearing her wedding dress..

"...are you proud of me now, daddy? Do you see me now.. daddy? .....daddy?"

Then it's time to cut open the wedding cake, and Sofia appears to be really enjoying herself now, thinking this is such a wonderful time.

But afterwards both Sofia and Palash is being a little weird, leaving everyone behind to eat their cakes, even sitting at seperate benches.. Maybe the party arrangers should be notified before the next wedding that just putting out chairs aren't enough, some dining tables might be a good idea, too...

While they are sitting in the back eating cake, the band "The Bushweeds" have gone up on stage to provide entertainment for the remainder of the party, and like last time there is still the same problem with people walking up on stage to watch the band. Only two people up front are doing it right...

The stage was changed a bit since last time, by adding doors at the back that one would have to pass to enter the stage... So that they could be locked for anyone but the band members, but now, for some reason, the lock proved to be very ineffective.. oh well, at least everyone is enjoying the music... that's what you call an intimate concert..

Sofia walks over to Palash and begins talking about her job as a fire fighter. She appears to be very interested in anything to do with the fire station and her job there. I noticed that she even has a golden fire hydrant in one of her bedrooms.. one which you can only have if you've maxed out your experience as a fire fighter... and Sofia isn't at that level yet, so....

Palash enjoys listening to her talk about the fire station. Her enthusiasm there is an admirable quality in his now wife, he thinks.

..but then she ruins it all with making a statement about how much she dislikes children, how they will only be in the way, when she wants to focus on her career... and Palash now thinks she is being rude...

"Not now, Sofia... daddy is busy...but look what I bought for you..."

"How can you say such a thing about children? They are our future, they are the meaning of life!" he snarls at her as she walks away to use the bathroom...

They do love each other, but there is one major issue with their relationship... I am hoping that they will have children one day, but I have my doubts...

In the meantime Palash goes up to the stage area where Yumi is, to teach her some tricks, but Yumi is a little aggressive and non-cooperative, so it doesn't work out to well...

When Sofia returns from the toilet, they begin flirting and take a romantic picture together. Palash gets a wish to have children with Sofia. Sofia just wants to kiss and woohoo...

The band has since long stopped playing, the music from the speakers has stopped and the party is over, and everyone seemed to have had a really good time. Palash and Sofia has been all caught up with each other and kissing and making out, not paying much attention to any of the other guests.

Until one of the guests makes a blunder...

Oh no! Someone just had an accident.. how embarrassing! Palash, lets go home! I'll go and get the dog!

Come here, Yumi little! We're going home... to your new home...

Once home in Sofias house, now their house, she turns on the stereo for some romantic music and their kissing and playful activities with each other continue and escalate until she grabs him and...

..walks up to the bedroom where she calls for him to join. This reminds me of when they were dating (before they got engaged..).

She had some struggles initiating romance with him. She had invited him over to her house and tried to woohoo with him a few times, but it always failed....

...but not this time, he joins her and her wish for woohoo finally gets fulfilled. ;)

And once they get going, they're unstoppable now! They had to do it twice in a row! :D

So... I think its time we leave these two for themselves and let them go on with their procedures for as long as they can.... Good night! ;)

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