Monday, June 19, 2023

Chapter 7.8 - December 2022: Part VIII – Parenting skills.

When everyone came back inside after returning from the hospital, Laranya made sure to cook them a meal to make sure they didn't go back to the hotel hungry, even though all of them had just eaten at the hospitals caféteria. It's lovely to see, because this is excactly the way I know grandmothers from my own childhood! Always concerned about others wellbeing, and especially when grandchildren are involved! Making sure noone is hungry, is comfortable, isn't cold, etc. ;) Of course, sometimes, it could be a little to much, but nobody could blame them for it, because they meant it well! ;)

Before they went back to the hotel, Bodil wanted her aunt Nitya (who was outside playing darts) to read her a bedtime story. Nitya first said yes, but once she went inside and smelled the food, she sat down to eat as well. Both plates on the table are Nityas. She didn't want to eat the first one she got, because a bug came flying and landed in it...

Gaute: Say bye bye to auntie now, Orinder!
Orinder: Mama!

Back at the hotel Bodil asked both Gaute and Leya for a bedtime story, but they were both to tired from this long day of travelling, visiting Laranya and Deepak at the hospital, so Bodil was sent to bed without a bedtime story. Well, Leya tried, but was to tired to find the bookshelf...

Sleeping in a hotel bed is never the same as sleeping in your own bed at home, but nonetheless, they all got a good nights sleep and was ready for the next day..

And it looks like this experience, of visiting Leyas father at the hospital, has brought Gaute and Leya even closer, because now I'm seeing something I haven't seen here before. They are both really happy to be near each other and keep getting that big heart moodlet whenever they're in the same room..

Then it was breakfast time for the family. Leya had prepared waffles for them, while Gaute made sure that Orinder got his breakfast.

Leya noticed Gautes parenting skills, and was sure happy and excited to have found such a good father for her second child. I love it when they do this happy reaction. ;)

Leya was indeed fond of her husband, and he was likewise fond of her. Definately a good father, the same could not be said about Bodils father however...


Speaking of fathers, Deepaks physiotherapy session at the hospital was going quite nicely and when it was done he was able to walk all the way to the cafeteria to have lunch with the physiotherapist, which was a huge step forward from just walking around in the hallways.

Deepak was very grateful for everyone at the hospital saving him from his near death experience..

Hihaa! While they were eating, the barista in the cafeteria would entertain herself by thinking she was a horse...

And from one strange employee to another, the doctor that first greeted Sofia and Palash, well... she was in her office busy reading up on the latest medical knowledge or uhh.... whatever she is reading there....

Back at the hotel Bodil wanted to play the queen again, as she often does, but Leya had other plans. She hadn't visited her brother Palash since he married Sofia, and wanted to catch up and hear how they were doing.

Leya: Come along now, Bodil! We're going to visit your uncle Palash!

Leya had called him prior to them driving off to tell him they were coming, and of course, to make sure he was home. She got a little unsure though, when she only saw Sofias car in the driveway and not his. Palash could be a little unpredictable at times, so it wouldn't surprise her to much if he had gone off to somewhere in the meantime..

Those thoughts were without reason this time, as it was Palash that opened the door after she had rang the doorbell.

He invited them all in and Leya got emotional again from seeing her brother.
Leya: *sniff sniff* I'm sorry, it's just so nice to see you again, you know...

Bodil was excited that they had a dog, and wanted to pet her, but Yumi wanted otherwise and snarled at Bodil before tackling her. Not a very nice first meeting.. that dog has a temperament!

She tried again a little later, but Yumi still growled at her.

Bodil: What a nasty dog you are! Shame on you! Shame!

Palash heard Bodil shouting at Yumi and stepped in between them now to defend his dog (and reinforce bad behavior probably... My owner doesn't reprimand me, but that other person, so clearly it must be their fault!)

Palash: Don't talk to my Yumi like that! You're much bigger than her, she's just a small puppy! She's only protecting what is hers!

Bodil tried again to say hi to Yumi, but only got growled at a third time.. standing inbetween the dog and her bed might not be the best idea..

Bodil (thinking):
This sucks! Uncle and his dog, they're no fun at all! I'm going out to try the swings...

"Woohoo hoohoo haha! This is so much better!... Hmm, I wonder why uncle has so many kids toys when he has no kids...."

Inside Palash had to do some laundry, so Gaute and Leya did what is typical for them. Gaute does the smustle dance and Leya watches the romance channel... They have been hanging out at Palash and Sofias house for a good while now, but I see no sign of Sofia. Of course, I was hoping she would be there, so that she could talk to Leya about her pregnancy, but there is no sign of her..

I find Sofia being busy at the fire station maintaining her physique. Sofia really enjoys her fire fighting job. Not really because she gets to save people, but more because it increases her popularity in the local community.. The best thing about the job is the praise and love she feels from the community, something she can't get enough of.. Something she never got enough of....
    That silver spoon, the fancy house and all the toys her dad provided wasn't worth anything at all! That's what Sofia learned.. children are to be shoved away, not to be seen, not to be heard.. give them toys to keep them occupied and out of sight..
    "Daddy has more important things to do! Daddy is busy! Daddy has no time for a goodnight story! Turn the light off and go to sleep now..."

Back at the house Palash had started to feel a little bad for yelling at Bodil earlier and had gone out to apologize and give her a hug.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, I didn't mean to.. It's just been a very stressful time, with dad, your grandpa, at the hospital and all..."

Leya had gone outside in the cold to play guitar, because the outside air gives it a better tone or something...

Temperatures were dropping as night began to fall. Leya had wanted to meet Sofia, his brothers wife, so they stayed quite late hoping she would come home, but Sofia was still busy at the fire station... Gaute, wanting to be near Leya, the one true love of his life, had also gone outside now. He wanted a pillow fight..

Orinder was feeling tired and had crawled over to rest at one of Palash and Sofias garden chairs. It's getting cold out, so don't forget the kid... Gaute asked Leya for the pillow fight, and being very mutually attracted the answer was given, so they walked inside to where the pillows are... that is, of course, the bedroom.

Palash and Sofias bedroom... The pillow fight didn't go one step further though, because Gaute got a little mad that Leya used a dirty trick on him...

"Game over! We're going home!"

Outside at the swings Palash and Bodil was really hitting it off now that they have reconciliated after they had a bit of a bad start earlier.

Leya had not forgotten about Orinder and walked outside to pick him up..

Leya: Say goodbye to uncle now, Bodil. It's getting late and we're going back to the hotel..

Bodil: Aww mom, just now when things had started to get fun...

Back at the hotel it was feeding time, before bedtime and Leya was once more really happy to have such a wonderful husband with such parenting skills. ;) Not every dad is a super dad, but this one is!

Gaute put Orinder to bed and read a bedtime story for Bodil about insects and flowers, giving Leya some alone time to care for herself before everyone fell asleep to get themselves ready for the next day..

Goodnight. ;)

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Chapter 13.2 - December 2023: part III – Christmas Magic With You (continued).

 She had thought this moment through several times in her head, though this wasn't quite what she had imagined... they were outside, it ...